To check the server reliability during SSL communication for management
software external authentication, upload an public key certificate of the management
software to the web server to register the certificate.
- You must be logged into the SVP.
- The private key file on the management software
server must be current. Update it if necessary.
- The certificate file must have a .crt extension. Rename the file if necessary.
- The certificate must be in X509 PEM format or X509 DER format.
Close all
Device Manager - Storage Navigator sessions on the SVP.
Open a command prompt window with administrator permissions.
In the folder where the certificate update tool is located, execute the following command:
C:\MAPP\wk\Supervisor\MappIniSet>MappHcsCrtEntry.bat absolute-path-of-signed-public-key-certificate-file
Note: A space is required between
MappHcsCrtEntry.bat and the signed public key certification file path.
Note: If using Hitachi Ops Center Administrator, execute the same
A completion message box displays. Press any key to acknowledge the message and close the message box.
Close the command prompt window.