Access requirements for Dynamic Provisioning and Dynamic Tiering

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number

This table specifies the resource access requirements for Dynamic Provisioning and Dynamic Tiering operations.

Operation name


Create LDEVs

If DP-VOLs are created, these items must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group that is permitted to manage them.

  • Pool-VOL of the pool

Delete LDEVs

If DP-VOLs are deleted, these items must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group that is permitted to manage them.

  • Pool-VOL of the pool

Create pools

Expand pools

Volumes to be specified as pool-VOLs must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.

All the volumes that are specified when creating a pool must belong to the same resource group.

Edit pools

Delete pools

Pool-VOLs of the specified pool must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.

Expand V-VOLs

You can expand only the DP-VOLs that are assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.

Reclaim zero pages

Stop reclaiming zero pages

You can reclaim or stop reclaiming zero pages only for the DP-VOLs that are assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.