Handling performance problems of the SVP

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number

If the following performance problems occur in the SVP, collect the performance information of the SVP and dumps, and then send them to the maintenance personnel.

  • Slow operation of the SVP
  • High CPU usage rate of the SVP
  • Slow operation of the Storage Device List or the Device Manager - Storage Navigator

The tool used in this procedure collects the performance information of the SVP. This tool is installed in the directories corresponding to the serial numbers of all storage systems registered in the Storage Device List. Although this tool does not collect performance information of individual storage systems, it can collect dump files for the storage system corresponding to the directory used to run the tool. Therefore, for the storage systems other than that storage system, seeDownloading dump files and Collecting dump files manually to collect the dump files, and then pass them to maintenance personnel.

You can collect performance information of the SVP by using the tool in the following procedure. Collection of performance information takes about 30 minutes, and then the dump files are automatically collected.

  • Any performance problem of the SVP must be occurring.
  • You must be logged into the SVP.
  • Device Manager - Storage Navigator must be running.
  • All other users (including the SVP user) must stop using the Dump tool.
  • All maintenance operations must be stopped.
  • Dump tools from other storage systems must not be used during the process.
  • The installation directory of the Device Manager - Storage Navigator must be excluded from the real time virus scan targets by the virus detection program.

For the virus detection program settings, see Preventing errors while using virus detection programs on the SVP.

Note: If the error is in regards to Device Manager - Storage Navigator starting up, collect information about the SVP using the Dump tool, without Device Manager - Storage Navigator running. If some tools are running, performance of the SVP might be further degraded.
  1. On the SVP, open a command prompt window with administrator permissions.
  2. Move the current directory to the directory where the tools are installed.

    For example, if the serial number of the storage system is 882000400001, the directory where the tool is installed is C:\Mapp\wk\882000400001\DKC200\mp\pc. In this case, enter the following:

    cd /d C:\Mapp\wk\882000400001\DKC200\mp\pc

    Note: C:\MAPP indicates the installation directory of the storage management software and the SVP software. When the installation directory other than C:\Mapp was specified, replace C:\Mapp with the specified installation directory.
  3. Run the performance information collection tool GetSVPPerfInfo.bat by specifying the output folder of the performance information and dump files. In the command prompt, enter the following:

    GetSVPInfo.bat output-directory

    For example, when you want to output the performance information and dump files of the SVP to C:\Result_882000400001, enter the following command:

    GetSVPPerfInfo.bat C:\Result_882000400001

    If you do not specify output directory, the performance information and dump files are output to the following folders:


    In this example, 882000400001 is the serial number of the registered storage system.

    • When you enter the command, a space is required between the bat file of the dump tool and the output directory.
    • A directory under the network drive cannot be specified as the output destination.
    • Do not click or close the command prompt window while running the tool.
    • When the tool is being executed, “Executing…” is displayed in the command prompt.
    • The dump tool automatically starts collecting dumps after collection of the performance information finishes.
    • Both performance information and system information of the SVP are collected. Do not click the cancel button on the dialog box that opens while system information is collected. The dialog box automatically closes after collection of system information finishes.
    • When all processes are complete, “SVP Performance Information tool is completed.” is displayed in the command prompt.
  4. Check the dump files that were output.
    The following files are output:
    • CounterResult_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.blg:Windows performance monitor log
    • ProcessList_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.csv:Information of the processes running on the SVP
    • Sysinfo_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.txt:System information of the SVP
    • hdcp.tgz
    • zSv_AutoDump.log
    • DumpResult.txt
  5. Close the command prompt.
  6. An OS failure might cause a failure of collecting dumps by the dump tool. If the output result of the dump tool in step 4 is not output, collect the dump files manually.
  7. Send all the files that were output in step 4 to the maintenance personnel.