Host Groups / iSCSI Targets report

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number

The following figure shows an example of a Host Groups / iSCSI Targets report. The table following the figure describes the items in the report.



Port Location Name of the port
Type Type of the host group
Host Group Name / iSCSI Target Alias Name of the host group / alias of the iSCSI target
Host Group ID / iSCSI Target ID Number of the host group / ID of the iSCSI target
iSCSI Target Name Name of the iSCSI target
Resource Group Name Resource Group Name where the host group belongs
Resource Group ID Resource Group ID where the host group belongs
Number of LUNs The number of LU paths defined to the host group
Number of LDEVs The number of logical volumes that are accessible from the hosts in the host group
Number of PGs The number of parity groups with logical volumes that are accessible from the hosts in the host group
Number of DKBs The number of disk boards controlling the parity groups where the logical volumes that are accessible from the hosts in the host group belong
Total LDEV Capacity (MB) Total capacity of the logical volumes accessible from the hosts in the host group. This is the total capacity of LDEVs referred to in "Number of LDEVs".
Port Security Security of the port
Authentication : Method
iSCSI target method authentication settings
  • CHAP
  • None
  • Comply with Host Setting
Authentication : Mutual CHAP
Enable or disable the iSCSI target mutual CHAP
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Authentication : User Name Authenticated iSCSI target user name
Authentication : Number of Users The number of authenticated users registered in the iSCSI target
Host Mode Host mode of the host group
Host Mode Option Host mode option of the host group. Host mode options are separated by semicolons (;) when more than one option is specified.
Number of Hosts The number of the hosts in the host group.