Detailed Information
Item |
Description |
The number of the VDKC-Box to which the created resource group belongs. A hyphen (-) is output when the creating operation failed. |
Resource Group ID |
The number of the created resource group. A hyphen (-) is output when the creating operation failed |
Resource Group Name |
The resource group name of the created resource group |
Result |
The result of the operation Normal end: Normal end, Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code |
Num. of Resource Groups |
The number of created resource groups |
RMI AP,Task Name,[PROV],Create Resource Grps,,Normal end, Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +{VDKC-Box ID,Resource Group ID,Resource Group Name,Result} =[{0,1,RSG1,Normal end},{0,2,RSG2,Normal end}], Num. of Resource Groups=2