Cautions on license capacities in license-related windows

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number

License capacities are displayed not only in license-related windows but also in the Pools window and the Replication window.

When you install or overwrite a temporary key or an emergency key for an installed software application, the license capacity before the overwrite installation is displayed as Permitted (TB) in license-related windows. However, Unlimited (license capacity for the temporary key or emergency key) is displayed as Licensed Capacity in the Pools window and the Replication window.

For example: You install a term key that has a license capacity of 5 TB for Compatible FlashCopy®, and when the term expires, you use an emergency key. In license-related windows, 5 TB is displayed in the Permitted (TB) field. However, in the Licensed Capacity field in a Replication window, Unlimited (capacity of the emergency key) is displayed.