Uploading an SMI-S provider configuration file

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number

You can control the SMI-S function using the SMI-S provider configuration file that you create.

  • Ensure that the SMI-S provider configuration file has already been created. If the configuration is not already named array-setting-01.properties, rename it to that name.
  • You must have the Storage Administrator (View & Modify) role to perform this task.
  • A private key (.key file) has been created. Make sure that the file name is server.key.
  • A signed public key certificate (.crt file) has been acquired. Make sure that the file name is server.crt.
  • The signed public key certificate (.crt file) must be in X509 PEM format. You cannot use X509 DER format.
  • The extended profile fields in the X.509 certificate support the following items as specified in RFC5280:
    • BasicConstraints
    • KeyUsage
    • SubjectKeyIdentifier
    • subjectAltName
  • If an intermediate certificate exists, prepare a signed public key certificate (server.crt file) that has a certificate chain that includes the intermediate certificate.
  • The number of tiers of the certificate chain for the certificate to be uploaded must be 5 tiers or less including the root CA certificate.
  • The public key encryption method for the certificate to be uploaded must be RSA.
  • The passphrase for the private key (server.key file) is released.
  • SMI-S provider service has been stopped.
Note: If the ResourceGroup parameter is set, theVVolForSnapshot parameter and the PoolIDForSnapshot parameter are not valid.
  1. On the SVP, start Windows command prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Move the current directory to the directory where the tool MappSmisConfUpload.bat exists. Execute the following command:
    cd /d C:\Mapp\wk\Supervisor\MappIniSet
    MappSmisConfUpload.bat serial-number-of-storage-system absolute-path-of-SMI-S-provider-configuration-file
    Note: C:\MAPP indicates the installation directory of the storage management software and the SVP software. When the installation directory other than C:\Mapp was specified, replace C:\Mapp with the specified installation directory.
  3. The completion message appears. Press any key to continue.
  4. Close the command prompt.
    Note: To reflect the update of the certificate, you need to start the SMI-S provider service.