You can control the SMI-S function using the SMI-S provider configuration file that you create.
- Ensure that the SMI-S provider configuration file has already been created. If the configuration is not already named, rename it to that name.
- You must have the Storage Administrator (View & Modify) role to perform this task.
- A private key (.key file) has been created. Make sure that the file name is server.key.
- A signed public key certificate (.crt file) has been acquired. Make sure that the file name is server.crt.
- The signed public key certificate (.crt file) must be in X509 PEM format. You cannot use X509 DER format.
- The extended profile fields in the X.509 certificate support the following
items as specified in RFC5280:
- BasicConstraints
- KeyUsage
- SubjectKeyIdentifier
- subjectAltName
- If an intermediate certificate exists, prepare a signed public key certificate (server.crt file) that has a certificate chain that includes the intermediate certificate.
- The number of tiers of the certificate chain for the certificate to be uploaded must be 5 tiers or less including the root CA certificate.
- The public key encryption method for the certificate to be uploaded must be RSA.
- The passphrase for the private key (server.key file) is released.
- SMI-S provider service has been stopped.
Note: If the ResourceGroup parameter is set, theVVolForSnapshot parameter and the PoolIDForSnapshot parameter are not valid.