Set Up Alert Notifications window

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number



Notification Alert

Displays the destination of the alert notification.

  • Host Report: Sends alerts only of SIMs that report to hosts.
  • All: Sends alerts of all SIMs.

Alert destinations are common to Syslog, SNMP, and Email.

Email tab



Mail Notice

Select whether or not to report failure information through email.

  • Enable: Reports SIM through email.
  • Disable: Does not report SIM through email.

Mail Address (To)

This field is mandatory when you selected Enable in Mail Notice.

  • Add: Adds email addresses. The Add Address window opens
  • Delete: Deletes the selected email address. You can select more than one email address.

Mail Address (From)

Enter the source address of the email for failure information report.

You can use a name of up to 255 characters. Usable characters: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ % & ` + - * / ' ^ { } _ . )

This field is mandatory when you selected Enable in Mail Notice.

Mail Address (Reply - To)

Specify the return email address. If you specify this address, return email from the email recipient is transmitted to the address. If you omit this address, return email from the email recipient is transmitted to Mail Address (From).

You can use a name of up to 255 characters. Usable characters: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ % & ` + - * / ' ^ { } _ . )

Description to notify

Enter the description for notifying failure information. You can enter up to 511 characters and also a line feed code, which is counted as two characters.

Mail Server Setting - Email Server

Enter the Email server information. You cannot set an IP address with all 0s.

  • Identifier: To specify a host name, select Identifier. You can enter a name of up to 255 characters.
  • IPv4: To set an IPv4 address, select IPv4, and enter four numbers within the range of 0 to 255.

    Example: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (X indicates a numeral)

  • IPv6: To set an IPv6 address, select IPv6, and enter eight hexadecimal alphanumeric characters within the range of 0 to FFFF. You can also use an abbreviated-format IPv6 address.

    Example: YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY (Y indicates a hexadecimal digit)

This field is mandatory when you select Enable in Mail Notice.

Mail Server Setting - SMTP Authentication

Select whether or not to perform SMTP authentication.

  • Enable: Performs SMTP authentication.
  • Disable: Does not perform SMTP authentication.

When you select Enable, enter values in Account and Password.

You can use a name of up to 255 characters. Usable characters are: Alphanumeric characters and symbols (! # $ ` + - * ' { } _ . )

This field is mandatory when you select Enable in Mail Notice.

Syslog tab



Transfer Protocol

Select the protocol for Syslog transfer.

  • TLS1.2/RFC5424
  • UDP/RFC3164

Primary Server

Select whether or not to use the Syslog Server.

  • Enable: Reports SIM to the Syslog Server through Syslog
  • Disable: Does not report SIM to the Syslog Server through Syslog

Primary Server - Syslog Server

Enter the IP address of the server that you want to set as the Syslog Server. You cannot set an address with all zeros.

  • To set a host name, select Identifier and enter the host name in no more than 255 characters. Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters and symbols: !$ % - . @ _ ` ~.

  • To set an IPv4 address, select IPv4, and enter four numbers within the range of 0 to 255.

    Example: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (X indicates a numeral)

  • To set an IPv6 address, select IPv6, and enter eight hexadecimal alphanumeric characters within the range of 0 to FFFF. You can also use an abbreviated-format IPv6 address.

    Example: YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY (Y indicates a hexadecimal digit)

Use this field only when you select Enable in Primary Server.

Primary Server - Port Number

Enter the port number used by the Syslog Server. Use this field only when you selected Enable in Primary Server.

Primary Server - Client Certificate File Name

Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file.

Use this field only when you select TLS1.2/RFC5424 in Transfer Protocol and selected Enable in Primary Server. Note the following:

  • This field is mandatory when it is activated.
  • If you leave the certificate field blank when you apply settings for the second time or later, the certificate that was updated the last time is used.

Primary Server - Password

Enter a password for the client certificate. Passwords can contain up to 128 alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Use this field only when you specified Client Certificate File Name.

Primary Server - Root Certificate File Name

Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file.

Use this field only when you select TLS1.2/RFC5424 in Transfer Protocol and selected Enable in Primary Server.

  • This field is mandatory when it is activated.
  • If you leave the certificate field blank when you apply settings for the second time or later, the certificate that was updated the last time is used.

Secondary Server

Select whether or not to use an alternate server for the syslog server.

  • Enable: Reports a SIM to the alternate syslog server through Syslog.
  • Disable: Does not report a SIM to the alternate server for the syslog server through Syslog.

Secondary Server - Syslog Server

Enter the IP address of the server that you want to set as the alternate Syslog Server. You cannot set an address with all 0s.

  • To set an IPv4 address, select IPv4, and enter four numbers within the range of 0 to 255.

    Example: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (X indicates a numeral)

  • To set an IPv6 address, select IPv6, and enter eight hexadecimal alphanumeric characters within the range of 0 to FFFF. You can also use an abbreviated-format IPv6 address.

    Example: YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY (Y indicates a hexadecimal digit)

Use this field only when you select Enable in the secondary server.

Secondary Server - Port Number

Enter the port number used by the alternate syslog server. Use this field only when you selected Enable in Secondary Server.

Secondary Server - Client Certificate File Name

Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file.

Use this field only when you select TLS1.2/RFC5424 in Transfer Protocol and selected Enable in the secondary server.

  • This field is mandatory when it is activated.
  • If you leave the certificate field blank when you apply settings for the second time or later, the certificate that was updated the last time is used.

Secondary Server - Password

Enter a password for the client certificate. Passwords can contain up to 128 alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Use this field only when you specify the client certificate file name.

Secondary Server - Root Certificate File Name

Specify a certificate file. Click Browse and specify the certificate file.

Use this field only when you select TLS1.2/RFC5424 in Transfer Protocol and selected Enable in the secondary server.

  • This field is mandatory when it is activated.
  • If you leave the certificate field blank when you apply settings for the second time or later, the certificate that was updated the last time is used.

Location Identification Name

Enter a name for identification of the storage system from which SIM is transferred to the syslog server. Names can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: (! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~)

Spaces are not allowed. This field is mandatory when Primary Server or Secondary Server are enabled.


Displays the retry setting

  • Enable: Retry when communication with syslog server fails
  • Disable: Does not retry when communication with syslog server fails

Retry Interval

Enter a value between 1 and 60 (seconds) as the retry interval when communication with the Syslog Server fails. The default is 1.

Use this field only when you selected TLS1.2/RFC5424 in Transfer Protocol.

SNMP tab (SNMP v1 or v2c)



SNMP Agent

Select whether to use the SNMP agent
  • Enable: Reports SIM with SNMP and permits GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST, or GETBULK REQUEST*.
  • Disable: Does not report SIM with SNMP nor permit GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST, or GETBULK REQUEST*.

SNMP Version

Select the SNMP protocol version

Sending Trap Setting

Displays the community name and IP address for which SNMP traps are reported. The Registered Sending Trap Settings table includes the following:

  • Community: Displays the communities to which SNMP traps are reported.
  • Send Trap to: Displays the IP address to which SNMP traps are reported.
  • Add: Adds an SNMP trap. The Add Sending Trap Setting window opens. Up to 32 communities can be registered.
  • Change: Opens the Change Sending Trap Setting window for the selected row.
  • Remove: Removes the selected community from the Registered Sending Trap Settings table.

Request Authentication Setting

Displays the name and IP address of the communities that have permission to execute GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST and GETBULK REQUEST*. The Registered Sending Trap Settings table includes the following:
  • Community: Displays the communities that have permission to execute GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST and GETBULK REQUEST*.
  • Requests Permitted: Displays the IP addresses that have permission to execute GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST and GETBULK REQUEST*.
  • Add: Displays the Add Request Authentication Setting window. Up to 32 communities can be registered.
  • Change: Opens the Change Request Authentication Setting window for the selected row.
  • Remove: Removes the selected community from the Request Authentication Settings table.

System Group Information - Storage System Name

Enter the storage system name.

You can enter up to 180 alphanumeric characters excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? ” < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.

This field is mandatory. When you change this field, Storage System Name in the Storage System window of Device Manager - Storage Navigator and the maintenance utility is also changed.

System Group Information - Contact

Enter the administrator's name or contact information.

You can enter up to 180 alphanumeric characters excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? " < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.

When you change this field, Contact in the Storage System window of Device Manager - Storage Navigator and the maintenance utility is also changed.

System Group Information - Location

Enter the location of the storage system.

You can enter up to 180 alphanumeric characters excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? " < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.

When you change this field, Location in the Storage System window of Device Manager - Storage Navigator and the maintenance utility is also changed.

SNMP Engine ID

Displays the SNMP engine ID

Notes*: * Only SNMP v2c supports GETBULK REQUEST.

SNMP tab (SNMP v3)



SNMP Agent

Select whether to use the SNMP agent
  • Enable: Reports SIM with SNMP and permits GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST, or GETBULK REQUEST.
  • Disable: Does not report SIM with SNMP nor permit GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST, or GETBULK REQUEST.

SNMP Version

Select the SNMP protocol version

Sending Trap Setting

Displays the user name and IP address for which SNMP traps are reported. The Registered Sending Trap Settings table includes the following:

  • Send Trap to: Displays the IP address to which SNMP traps are reported.
  • User Name: Displays the user name to be used for reporting SNMP traps.
  • Authentication - Mode: Displays whether authentication is enabled.
  • Authentication - Protocol: Displays the authentication method used if authentication is enabled.
  • Encryption - Mode: Displays whether encryption is enabled.
  • Encryption - Protocol : Displays the encryption method used if encryption is enabled.
  • Add: Adds an SNMP trap. The Add Sending Trap Setting window opens. Up to eight IP addresses can be registered.
  • Change: Opens the Change Sending Trap Setting window for the selected row.
  • Remove: Removes the selected user from the Registered Sending Trap Settings table.

Request Authentication Setting

Displays the users for whom you permit GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST and GETBULK REQUEST. The Registered Sending Trap Settings table includes the following:
  • User Name: Displays names of users that have permission to execute GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST and GETBULK REQUEST.
  • Authentication - Mode: Displays whether authentication is enabled.
  • Authentication - Protocol: Displays the authentication method used if authentication is enabled.
  • Encryption - Mode: Displays whether encryption is enabled.
  • Encryption - Protocol : Displays the encryption method used if encryption is enabled.
  • Add: Displays the Add Request Authentication Setting window. Up to eight users can be registered.
  • Change: Opens the Change Sending Trap Setting window for the selected row.
  • Remove: Removes the selected user from the Request Authentication Settings table.

System Group Information - Storage System Name

Enter the storage system name.

You can enter up to 180 alphanumeric characters excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? ” < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.

This field is mandatory. When you change this field, Storage System Name in the Storage System window of Device Manager - Storage Navigator and the maintenance utility is also changed.

System Group Information - Contact

Enter the administrator's name or contact information.

You can enter up to 180 alphanumeric characters excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? " < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.

When you change this field, Contact in the Storage System window of Device Manager - Storage Navigator and the maintenance utility is also changed.

System Group Information - Location

Enter the location of the storage system.

You can enter up to 180 alphanumeric characters excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? " < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.

When you change this field, Location in the Storage System window of Device Manager - Storage Navigator and the maintenance utility is also changed.

SNMP Engine ID

Displays the SNMP engine ID.