Creating a TrueCopy pair or Universal Replicator pair

REST API Reference Guide for Virtual Storage Platform 5000, Virtual Storage Platform E Series, and Virtual Storage Platform G/F Series

Part Number
The following request creates a TrueCopy pair or a Universal Replicator pair in the storage systems of the primary and secondary sites. The TrueCopy pair or the Universal Replicator pair is either added to a new copy group or to an existing copy group. If you create a copy group, also create a device group. First create a pair in the storage system of the primary site. Before creating a pair, lock the resources or make sure that the resources have not been locked by another user.
Tip: We recommend specifying Job-Mode-Wait-Configuration-Change:NoWait in the request header of this API function. For details, see the description of the flow of operations for the pairs.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Provisioning) and Storage Administrator (Remote Copy)

Request line

POST base-URL/v1/objects/remote-mirror-copypairs

Request message

Object ID


Query parameters



The following are coding examples for creating a TrueCopy pair.

When creating a new copy group and adding a pair to the copy group:

  "copyGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup1",
  "copyPairName": "pair1",
  "replicationType": "TC",
  "remoteStorageDeviceId": "886000123789",
  "pvolLdevId": 2108,
  "svolLdevId": 1581,
  "localDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup1P_",
  "remoteDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup1S_",
  "isNewGroupCreation": true,
  "fenceLevel": "DATA",
  "isConsistencyGroup": true,
  "consistencyGroupId": 5,
  "copyPace": 10,
  "pathGroupId": 3,
  "doInitialCopy": true,
  "isDataReductionForceCopy": true

When adding a pair to an existing copy group:

  "copyGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup1",
  "copyPairName": "pair2",
  "replicationType": "TC",
  "remoteStorageDeviceId": "886000123789",
  "pvolLdevId": 2109,
  "svolLdevId": 1582,
  "localDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup1P_",
  "remoteDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup1S_",
  "isNewGroupCreation": false,
  "fenceLevel": "DATA",
  "isConsistencyGroup": true,
  "consistencyGroupId": 5,
  "copyPace": 10,
  "doInitialCopy": true,
  "isDataReductionForceCopy": false

The following table describes attributes for a TrueCopy pair.






(Required) Specify a copy group name consisting of 1 to 29 characters. The name is case sensitive.

Set a unique name that is the same for the storage systems on both the local and remote sides.



(Required) Specify a copy pair name consisting of 1 to 31 characters. The name is case sensitive.

Set a unique name that is the same for the storage systems in the copy group.



(Required) Specify the pair type.

TC: TrueCopy



(Required) Specify the storage device ID of the remote storage system in which the pair is to be created.



(Required) Specify the LDEV number of the P-VOL with a decimal (base 10) number.



(Required) Specify the LDEV number of the S-VOL with a decimal (base 10) number.



(Optional) Specify the path group ID by using a decimal (base 10) number in the range from 0 to 255.

If you omit this value or specify 0, the lowest path group ID in the specified path group is used.



(Optional) Specify the device group name in the local storage system by using 1 to 31 characters. The name is case sensitive.

If you add the pair to an existing copy group, specify the same device group name as that of the existing local storage system. If this value is omitted, copyGroupNameP_ is set. The name needs to be unique in the local storage system.



(Optional) Specify the device group name in the remote storage system by using 1 to 31 characters. The name is case sensitive.

If you add the pair to an existing copy group, specify the same device group name as that of the existing remote storage system. If this value is omitted, copyGroupNameS_ is set. The name needs to be unique in the remote storage system.



(Required) Depending on the value, this attribute specifies whether to add the pair to a newly created copy group or to an existing copy group.

  • true: Adds the pair to a newly created copy group.
  • false: Adds the pair to an existing copy group.



(Optional) Depending on the value, this attribute specifies whether to register the new pair in a consistency group.

  • true: Registers the pair in a consistency group.
  • false: Does not register the pair in a consistency group.

If you add the pair to an existing copy group, specify the same value as that of the existing copy pair. If a copy group includes both pairs that are registered in a consistency group and pairs that are not registered in a consistency group, pair operations by consistency group cannot be correctly performed. If this value is omitted, false is set.



(Optional) Specify the consistency group ID by using a decimal (base 10) number in the range from 0 to 255.

If you omit this value when registering the new pair in a consistency group, the value of the consistency group ID is automatically assigned.

If you add the pair to an existing copy group, specify the same value as that of the existing copy pair. If a copy group includes a pair whose consistency group ID differs, pair operations by consistency group cannot be correctly performed.

When specifying this attribute, make sure to specify true for the isConsistencyGroup attribute.



(Required) Fence level

The specifiable values are as follows:

  • DATA: S-VOL data
  • STATUS: S-VOL status
  • NEVER: None



(Optional) Copy speed

Specify a decimal (base 10) number in the range from 1 to 15 for the size of tracks to be copied. The larger the value you specify, the faster the copy speed.

If this value is omitted, 3 is assumed.



(Optional) Specify whether to perform initial copy when creating a pair.

  • true: Performs initial copy.
  • false: Does not perform initial copy.

If this value is omitted, true is assumed.



(Optional) Specify whether to forcibly create a pair for a volume for which the capacity saving function (dedupe and compression) is enabled.

When creating a pair for a volume for which the capacity saving function is enabled, always specify true.

  • true: Forcibly create a pair #
  • false: Do not forcibly create a pair

When the attribute is omitted, false is assumed.

#: If you create a pair by using volumes for which the capacity saving function (compression or deduplication) is enabled, data that has been compressed or deduplicated will be copied and, as a result, the performance of the copying processing or the I/O performance of the host might decrease.

The following are coding examples for creating a Universal Replicator pair.

When creating a new copy group and adding a pair to the copy group:

  "copyGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup2",
  "copyPairName": "pair1",
  "replicationType": "UR",
  "remoteStorageDeviceId": "886000123789",
  "pvolLdevId": 1569,
  "svolLdevId": 2835,
  "pvolJournalId": 13,
  "svolJournalId": 36,
  "localDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup2P_",
  "remoteDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup2S_",
  "isNewGroupCreation": true,
  "fenceLevel": "ASYNC",
  "muNumber": 0,
  "consistencyGroupId": 10,
  "doInitialCopy": true,
  "doDeltaResyncSuspend": false,
  "isDataReductionForceCopy": true

When adding a pair to an existing copy group:

  "copyGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup2",
  "copyPairName": "pair2",
  "replicationType": "UR",
  "remoteStorageDeviceId": "886000123789",
  "pvolLdevId": 1570,
  "svolLdevId": 2836,
  "localDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup2P_",
  "remoteDeviceGroupName": "remoteCopyGroup2S_",
  "isNewGroupCreation": false,
  "fenceLevel": "ASYNC",
  "consistencyGroupId": 10,
  "doInitialCopy": true,
  "doDeltaResyncSuspend": false,
  "isDataReductionForceCopy": false

The following table describes attributes for a Universal Replicator pair.






(Required) Specify a copy group name consisting of 1 to 29 characters. The name is case sensitive.

Set a unique name that is the same for the storage systems on both the local and remote sides.



(Required) Specify a copy pair name consisting of 1 to 31 characters. The name is case sensitive.

Set a unique name that is the same for the storage systems in the copy group.



(Required) Specify the pair type.

UR: Universal Replicator



(Required) Specify the storage device ID of the remote storage system in which the pair is to be created.



(Required) Specify the LDEV number of the P-VOL with a decimal (base 10) number.



(Required) Specify the LDEV number of the S-VOL with a decimal (base 10) number.



(Optional) Specify the path group ID by using a decimal (base 10) number in the range from 0 to 255.

If you omit this value or specify 0, the lowest path group ID in the specified path group is used.



(Optional) Specify the device group name of the local storage system by using 1 to 31 characters. The name is case sensitive.

If you add the pair to an existing copy group, specify the same device group name as that of the existing local storage system. If this value is omitted, copyGroupNameP_ is set. The name needs to be unique in the local storage system.



(Optional) Specify the device group name of the remote storage system by using 1 to 31 characters. The name is case sensitive.

If you add the pair to an existing copy group, specify the same device group name as that of the existing remote storage system. If this value is omitted, copyGroupNameS_ is set. The name needs to be unique in the remote storage system.



(Required) Depending on the value, this attribute specifies whether to add the pair to a newly created copy group or to an existing copy group.

  • true: Adds the pair to a newly created copy group.
  • false: Adds the pair to an existing copy group.



(Required) Specify the MU (mirror unit) number by using a number from 0 to 3.

This value is used by the P-VOL and the S-VOL. You can specify this attribute only if you add the pair to a newly created copy group.



(Required) Specify the journal ID of the P-VOL by using a decimal (base 10) number in the range from 0 to 255.

Make sure to specify this attribute if you add the pair to a newly created copy group.



(Required) Specify the journal ID of the S-VOL by using a decimal (base 10) number in the range from 0 to 255.

Make sure to specify this attribute if you add the pair to a newly created copy group.



(Optional) Specify the consistency group ID by using a decimal (base 10) number in the range from 0 to 255.

If you omit this value when adding the pair to a newly created copy group, the value of the consistency group ID is automatically assigned.

If you add the pair to an existing copy group, specify the same value as that of the existing copy pair. If a copy group includes a pair whose consistency group ID differs, pair operations by consistency group cannot be correctly performed.



(Optional) Fence level

ASYNC is automatically set.



(Optional) Specify whether to perform initial copy when creating a pair.

  • true: Performs initial copy.
  • false: Does not perform initial copy.

If this value is omitted, true is assumed.



(Optional) Specify whether to forcibly create a pair for a volume for which the capacity saving function (dedupe and compression) is enabled.

When creating a pair for a volume for which the capacity saving function is enabled, always specify true.

  • true: Forcibly create a pair #
  • false: Do not forcibly create a pair

When the attribute is omitted, false is assumed.



(Optional) For the 3DC multi-target configuration, specify whether to use delta resync between the storage systems of the secondary sites.

  • true: Uses delta resync.
  • false: Does not use delta resync.

If true is specified, a journal volume of the Universal Replicator pair to be used for delta resync will be created in the initial status without initial copy performed. If this value is omitted, false is set.

#: If you create a pair by using volumes for which the capacity saving function (compression or deduplication) is enabled, data that has been compressed or deduplicated will be copied and, as a result, the performance of the copying processing or the I/O performance of the host might decrease.

Response message

A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




URL of the created TrueCopy pairs or Universal Replicator pairs

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Remote-Authorization:Session 10399a1ffce3489b9c3a823017462396" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X POST --data-binary @./InputParameters.json