You can add resources to, remove resources from, and rename existing resource groups.
Note the following restrictions for editing resource groups:
- Only resources allocated to meta_resource can be added to resource groups.
- Resources removed from a resource group are returned to meta_resource.
- No resource can be added to or removed from meta_resource.
- The name of the meta_resource group cannot be changed or used for any resource group other than the meta_resource group.
- The system does not allow duplicate names.
- LDEVs with the same pool ID or journal ID cannot be added to multiple resource groups or partially removed from a resource group. For example, if two LDEVs belong to the same pool, you must allocate both to the same resource group. You cannot allocate them separately.
You cannot partially remove LDEVs with the same pool ID or journal ID from a resource group. If LDEV1 and LDEV2 belong to the same pool, you cannot remove LDEV1 leave only LDEV2 in the resource group.
Use the sort function to sort the LDEVs by pool ID or journal ID. Then select the IDs and add or remove them all at once.
To add or delete DP pool volumes, you must first add or delete DP pools.
You must have Security Administrator (View & Modify) role to perform this task.