Caution on LUN ID notation

System Administrator Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number
The format of LUN IDs in the Device Manager - Storage Navigator main and secondary windows depends on the storage system. The following table describes those differences.
Storage system

Format in the main window

Format in secondary windows

Virtual Storage Platform 5000 series

Decimal or hexadecimal

Default: Decimal

Decimal only


Hexadecimal only

Decimal only

Virtual Storage Platform

Hexadecimal only

Decimal only

If LUN IDs are displayed in hexadecimal format, you can enter LUN IDs for USP V/VM or VSP as is.

However, if LUN IDs are displayed in decimal format, you must convert them to decimal format before entering them in the Device Manager - Storage Navigator main window.

To switch the LUN ID notation of the Device Manager - Storage Navigator main window between decimal and hexadecimal, use the Edit Information Display Settings window. For details, see Edit Information Display Settings window.