Required operations on the SNMP Manager after maintenance

Alert Notification Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number

If authentication and encryption are enabled for traps while you are using SNMP v3, the following operations are required on the SNMP Manager after maintenance operations (including SVP replacement, SVP microcode exchange, and SVP failover). If you are asked by maintenance personnel, perform the following operations.

To check the SNMP version and whether authentication and encryption are enabled for traps, see SNMP Version and Sending Trap Setting on the SNMP tab in the Edit Alert Settings window in the System Administrator Guide.

  • Restart the SNMP Manager, or reregister the storage systems to be monitored on the SNMP Manager.
  • Test the trap report. (See Testing the SNMP trap report.)
  • Obtain the trap history in MIB raidExMibTrapListTable from the SNMP Manager, and then perform proper storage management for traps that are not yet confirmed. For details about the format of the trap history, see raidExMibTrapListTable.