[Remote Replication] Edit Pair Options

Audit Log User Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number

Example 1: when the copy type is TC

09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,,
[Remote Replication],Edit Pair Options,,Normal end,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=TC,{P-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN),Fence
Level,VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),Result} =[{1A-0x00-0,Never,-,Normal end},{1A-0x00-1,Never,-,Normal end},
{1A-0x00-2,Never,-,Normal end},(Snip)-(Snip)], Num. of Pairs=xx

Detailed Information 1



Copy Type

The copy type of this operation

TC: TrueCopy


The port number, host group number, and LUN of the primary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using Fibre Channel or iSCSI

Fence Level

The changed fence level setting (the condition that MCU rejects the write operation to the primary volume).

Never: Can write to the primary volume even when the pair is split.

Data: Cannot write to the primary volume when update copying fails.

Status: Cannot write to the primary volume, only when the storage system of the primary site cannot change the pair status of the secondary volume to PSUE.


The LDKC number, CU number, and LDEV number of the volume (on the local storage system) of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using NVMe-oF


The result of the operation

Normal end: Normal end,

Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end

where xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code

Num. of Pairs

The number of pairs on which the setting is changed

Example 2: when the copy type is TCMF

09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,,
[Remote Replication],EditPair Options,,Normal end,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=TCMF,{P-VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),Fence Level,CFW,Result}
=[{0x00:0x00:0x00,Never,Copy To S-VOL,Normal end}, {0x00:0x01,Never,Copy to
S-VOL,Normal end},(Snip)-(Snip)], Num. of Pairs=x

Detailed Information 2



Copy Type

The copy type of this operation

TCMF: TrueCopy for Mainframe


The LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the primary volume

Fence Level

The changed fence level setting (the condition that MCU rejects the write operation to the primary volume).

Never: Can write to the primary volume even when the pair is split.

Data: Cannot write to the primary volume when update copying fails.

Status: Cannot write to the primary volume, only when the storage system of the primary site cannot change the pair status of the secondary volume to Suspend.


Indicates whether the setting to copy the CFW (Cache Fast Write) data to the secondary volume is enabled or not.

Only P-VOL: Copy to primary volume only is enabled

Copy to S-VOL: Copy to primary and secondary volume is enabled


The result of the operation

Normal end: Normal end,

Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end

where xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code

Num. of Pairs

The number of pairs on which the setting is changed

Example 3: when the copy type is UR

09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMIAP,uid=user-name,,
[Remote Replication],Edit Pair Options,,Normal end,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=UR
+{P-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN),S-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN),MirrorID, M-JNL,R-JNL,Error
Level,P-VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),S-VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),Result} =[{4C-0x00-0,4A-0x00-0,0x00,0x001,0x001,Mirror,-,-,Normal end},
{4C-0x00-1,4A-0x00-1,0x00,0x001,0x001,Mirror,-,-,Normal end}], Num. of

Detailed Information 3



Copy Type

The copy type of this operation

UR: Universal Replicator


The port number, host group number, and LUN of the primary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using Fibre Channel or iSCSI


The port number, host group number, and LUN of the secondary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using Fibre Channel or iSCSI


The mirror ID


The master journal number


The restore journal number

Error Level

Range of the pair split at failure occurrence

Mirror: When a pair fails, all the pairs are split that exist in the same mirror as the pair.

LU: When a pair fails, only the pair is split.



The LDKC number, CU number, and LDEV number of the primary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using NVMe-oF



The LDKC number, CU number, and LDEV number of the secondary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using NVMe-oF


The result of the operation

Normal end: Normal end,

Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end

where xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code

Num. of Pairs

The number of pairs on which the setting is changed

Example 4: when the copy type is URMF

09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMIAP,uid=user-name,,
[Remote Replication],Edit Pair Options,,Normal end,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=URMF
Level,CFW,Result} =[{0x00:0x00:0x00,0x00:0x20:0x00,0x03,0x001,0x002,Volume, Only
P-VOL,Normal end}, {0x00:0x00:0x02,0x00:0x20:0x02,0x03,0x001,0x002,Volume, Only
P-VOL,Normal end}], Num. of Pairs=2

Detailed Information



Copy Type

The copy type of this operation

URMF: Universal Replicator for Mainframe


The LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the primary data volume


The LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the secondary data volume


The mirror ID


The master journal number


The restore journal number

Error Level

Range of the pair split at failure occurrence

Mirror: When a pair fails, all the pairs are split that exist in the same mirror as the pair.

Volume: When a pair fails, only the pair is split.


Indicates whether the setting to copy the CFW data to the secondary volume is enabled or not.

Only P-VOL: Copy to primary volume only is enabled

Copy to S-VOL: Copy to primary and secondary volume is enabled


The result of the operation

Normal end: Normal end,

Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end

Num. of Pairs

The number of pairs on which the setting is changed