Example 1: when the copy type is TC
09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,, [Remote Replication],Edit Pair Options,,Normal end, from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=TC,{P-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN),Fence Level,VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),Result} =[{1A-0x00-0,Never,-,Normal end},{1A-0x00-1,Never,-,Normal end}, {1A-0x00-2,Never,-,Normal end},(Snip)-(Snip)], Num. of Pairs=xx
Detailed Information 1
Item |
Description |
Copy Type |
The copy type of this operation TC: TrueCopy |
P-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN) |
The port number, host group number, and LUN of the primary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using Fibre Channel or iSCSI |
Fence Level |
The changed fence level setting (the condition that MCU rejects the write operation to the primary volume). Never: Can write to the primary volume even when the pair is split. Data: Cannot write to the primary volume when update copying fails. Status: Cannot write to the primary volume, only when the storage system of the primary site cannot change the pair status of the secondary volume to PSUE. |
The LDKC number, CU number, and LDEV number of the volume (on the local storage system) of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using NVMe-oF |
Result |
The result of the operation Normal end: Normal end, Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end where xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code |
Num. of Pairs |
The number of pairs on which the setting is changed |
Example 2: when the copy type is TCMF
09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMI AP,uid=user-name,,
[Remote Replication],EditPair Options,,Normal end,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=TCMF,{P-VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),Fence Level,CFW,Result}
=[{0x00:0x00:0x00,Never,Copy To S-VOL,Normal end}, {0x00:0x01,Never,Copy to
S-VOL,Normal end},(Snip)-(Snip)], Num. of Pairs=x
Detailed Information 2
Item |
Description |
Copy Type |
The copy type of this operation TCMF: TrueCopy for Mainframe |
The LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the primary volume |
Fence Level |
The changed fence level setting (the condition that MCU rejects the write operation to the primary volume). Never: Can write to the primary volume even when the pair is split. Data: Cannot write to the primary volume when update copying fails. Status: Cannot write to the primary volume, only when the storage system of the primary site cannot change the pair status of the secondary volume to Suspend. |
Indicates whether the setting to copy the CFW (Cache Fast Write) data to the secondary volume is enabled or not. Only P-VOL: Copy to primary volume only is enabled Copy to S-VOL: Copy to primary and secondary volume is enabled |
Result |
The result of the operation Normal end: Normal end, Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end where xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code |
Num. of Pairs |
The number of pairs on which the setting is changed |
Example 3: when the copy type is UR
09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMIAP,uid=user-name,, [Remote Replication],Edit Pair Options,,Normal end, from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=UR +{P-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN),S-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN),MirrorID, M-JNL,R-JNL,Error Level,P-VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),S-VOL(LDKC:CU:LDEV),Result} =[{4C-0x00-0,4A-0x00-0,0x00,0x001,0x001,Mirror,-,-,Normal end}, {4C-0x00-1,4A-0x00-1,0x00,0x001,0x001,Mirror,-,-,Normal end}], Num. of Pairs=2
Detailed Information 3
Item |
Description |
Copy Type |
The copy type of this operation UR: Universal Replicator |
P-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN) |
The port number, host group number, and LUN of the primary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using Fibre Channel or iSCSI |
S-VOL(Port-G-ID-LUN) |
The port number, host group number, and LUN of the secondary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using Fibre Channel or iSCSI |
MirrorID |
The mirror ID |
The master journal number |
The restore journal number |
Error Level |
Range of the pair split at failure occurrence Mirror: When a pair fails, all the pairs are split that exist in the same mirror as the pair. LU: When a pair fails, only the pair is split. |
The LDKC number, CU number, and LDEV number of the primary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using NVMe-oF |
The LDKC number, CU number, and LDEV number of the secondary volume of a pair that uses a volume connected to a host by using NVMe-oF |
Result |
The result of the operation Normal end: Normal end, Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end where xxxx: Part code, yyyyy: Error code |
Num. of Pairs |
The number of pairs on which the setting is changed |
Example 4: when the copy type is URMF
09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RMIAP,uid=user-name,,
[Remote Replication],Edit Pair Options,,Normal end,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Copy Type=URMF
Level,CFW,Result} =[{0x00:0x00:0x00,0x00:0x20:0x00,0x03,0x001,0x002,Volume, Only
P-VOL,Normal end}, {0x00:0x00:0x02,0x00:0x20:0x02,0x03,0x001,0x002,Volume, Only
P-VOL,Normal end}], Num. of Pairs=2
Detailed Information
Item |
Description |
Copy Type |
The copy type of this operation URMF: Universal Replicator for Mainframe |
The LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the primary data volume |
The LDKC, CU, and LDEV numbers of the secondary data volume |
MirrorID |
The mirror ID |
The master journal number |
The restore journal number |
Error Level |
Range of the pair split at failure occurrence Mirror: When a pair fails, all the pairs are split that exist in the same mirror as the pair. Volume: When a pair fails, only the pair is split. |
Indicates whether the setting to copy the CFW data to the secondary volume is enabled or not. Only P-VOL: Copy to primary volume only is enabled Copy to S-VOL: Copy to primary and secondary volume is enabled |
Result |
The result of the operation Normal end: Normal end, Error(xxxx-yyyyy): Abnormal end |
Num. of Pairs |
The number of pairs on which the setting is changed |