Modify Port(iSCSI)

Audit Log User Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number

Example 1:Changing a physical port

[Config Command],,,Accept,from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx
+Command=Modify Port(iSCSI)
++Port=1A,Speed(Gbps)=8,Security Switch=Enable,Ethernet MTU(byte)=1500,
VLAN Tagging Mode=Enable,VLAN ID=100,New VLAN ID=200, IPv4 Address=,Subnet
Mask=, Default Gateway=,IPv6 Mode=Enable, LinkLocal Addressing
Mode=Enable, IPv6 LinkLocal Address=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, Global Addressing
Mode=Manual, IPv6 Global Address=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, IPv6 Global Address
2=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, IPv6 Default Gateway=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149,
TCP Port=25,Selective ACK Mode=Enable, Delayed ACK Mode=Disable,Window
Scale(K)=128,Keep Alive Timer(s)=30, iSNS Server=Disable,iSNS Server
IP=,iSNS Server TCP Port=26, Virtual Storage Machine S/N=23456, iSCSI
Virtual Port ID=,iSCSI Virtual Port Operation=

Detailed Information




The command name


The name of a port whose settings are modified

When a virtual storage machine is specified, the port name of the virtual storage machine is output.


The port host speed: Auto, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, or 16

Security Switch

The setting status of the security switch

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Ethernet MTU(byte)

The value of Ethernet MTU (maximum transmission unit): 1500, 4500, or 9000 *

VLAN Tagging Mode

The VLAN tagging mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

No value is output when VLAN ID is deleted.


The VLAN ID before modification*

No value is output when VLAN ID is added.

For a VLAN ID to be deleted, the VLAN ID (1 to 4094) to be deleted is output.

For a VLAN ID to be modified, the VLAN ID (1 to 4094) to be modified is output.


The VLAN ID after modification*

For a VLAN ID to be added, the added VLAN ID (1 to 4094) is output.

For a VLAN ID to be deleted, no value is output.

For a VLAN ID to be modified, the modified VLAN ID (1 to 4094) is output.

IPv4 Address

The IPv4 address*

Subnet Mask

The subnet mask of the IPv4*

Default Gateway

The default gateway of the IPv4*

IPv6 Mode

The IPv6 setting status*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

LinkLocal Addressing Mode

The input mode of the link local address*

Auto: Automatic input, Manual: Manual input

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled.

IPv6 LinkLocal Address

The IPv6 link local address*

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled or Link Local Addressing Mode is Auto.

Global Addressing Mode

The input mode of the global address and the global address 2*

Auto: Automatic input, Manual: Manual input

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled.

IPv6 Global Address

The IPv6 global address*

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled or Link Local Addressing Mode is Auto.

IPv6 Global Address 2

The IPv6 global address 2*

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled or Link Local Addressing Mode is Auto.

IPv6 Default Gateway

The IPv6 default gateway*

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled.

TCP Port

The TCP port number*

Selective ACK Mode

The setting status of Selective ACK Mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Delayed ACK Mode

The setting status of Delayed ACK Mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Window Scale(K)

The TCP window size: 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024*

Keep Alive Timer(s)

The setting status of Keep Alive Ttimer*

iSNS Server

The setting status of iSNS Server*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

iSNS Server IP

The IP address of the iSNS server*

iSNS Server TCP Port

The TCP port number of the iSNS server*

Virtual Storage Machine S/N

The serial number of the virtual storage machine

No value is output when a virtual storage machine is not specified.

iSCSI Virtual Port ID

The iSCSI virtual port ID (0-15)

No value is output when changeing a physical port.

iSCSI Virtual Port Operation

The operation to the iSCSI virtual port

Add: add, Modify: modify, Delete: delete

No value is output when changing a physical port.

*For settings other than port attributes, the user setting values are output even if options are omitted.

Example 2:Adding a virtual port

[Config Command],,,Accept,from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx
+Command=Modify Port(iSCSI) 
++Port=1A,,,Ethernet MTU(byte)=1500, VLAN Tagging Mode=Enable,VLAN
ID=0,New VLAN ID=200, IPv4 Address=,Subnet Mask=, Default
Gateway=,IPv6 Mode=Enable, LinkLocal Addressing Mode=Manual, IPv6 LinkLocal
Address=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, Global Addressing Mode=Manual, IPv6 Global
Address=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149,, IPv6 Default
Gateway=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, TCP Port=25,Selective ACK Mode=Enable,
Delayed ACK Mode=Disable,Window Scale(K)=128,Keep Alive Timer(s)=30,,,,, iSCSI
Virtual Port ID=15,iSCSI Virtual Port Operation=Add

Detailed Information




The command name


The name of a port whose settings are modified

When a virtual storage machine is specified, the port name of the virtual storage machine is output.


This item is not output when adding a virtual port.

Security Switch

This item is not output when adding a virtual port.

Ethernet MTU(byte)

The value of Ethernet MTU (maximum transmission unit): 1500, 4500, or 9000 *

VLAN Tagging Mode

The VLAN tagging mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled


The VLAN ID before modification*

No value is output when VLAN ID is added.

For a VLAN ID to be deleted, the VLAN ID (1 to 4094) to be deleted is output.

For a VLAN ID to be modified, the VLAN ID (1 to 4094) to be modified is output.


The VLAN ID after modification*

For a VLAN ID to be added, the added VLAN ID (1 to 4094) is output.

For a VLAN ID to be deleted, no value is output.

For a VLAN ID to be modified, the modified VLAN ID (1 to 4094) is output.

IPv4 Address

The IPv4 address*

Subnet Mask

The subnet mask of the IPv4*

Default Gateway

The default gateway of the IPv4*

IPv6 Mode

The IPv6 setting status*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

LinkLocal Addressing Mode

The input mode of the link local address*

Auto: Automatic input, Manual: Manual input

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled.

IPv6 LinkLocal Address

The IPv6 link local address*

Global Addressing Mode

The input mode of the global address*

Auto: Automatic input, Manual: Manual input

IPv6 Global Address

The IPv6 global address*

IPv6 Global Address 2

This item is not output when adding a virtual port.

IPv6 Default Gateway

The IPv6 default gateway*

TCP Port

The TCP port number*

Selective ACK Mode

The setting status of Selective ACK Mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Delayed ACK Mode

The setting status of Delayed ACK Mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Window Scale(K)

The TCP window size: 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024*

Keep Alive Timer(s)

The setting status of Keep Alive Timer**

iSNS Server

This item is not output when adding a virtual port.

iSNS Server IP

This item is not output when adding a virtual port.

iSNS Server TCP Port

This item is not output when adding a virtual port.

Virtual Storage Machine S/N

This item is not output when adding a virtual port.

iSCSI Virtual Port ID

The iSCSI virtual port ID (0-15)

iSCSI Virtual Port Operation

The operation to the iSCSI virtual port

Add: add, Modify: modify, Delete: delete

*No value is output when the option is not specified.

Example 3:Changing a virtual port

[Config Command],,,Accept,from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx
++Port=1A,,,Ethernet MTU(byte)=1500, VLAN Tagging Mode=Enable,VLAN
ID=100,New VLAN ID=200, IPv4 Address=,Subnet Mask=, Default
Gateway=,IPv6 Mode=Enable, LinkLocal Addressing Mode=Manual, IPv6 LinkLocal
Address=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, Global Addressing Mode=Manual, IPv6 Global
Address=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, IPv6 Global Address
2=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149, IPv6 Default Gateway=fe80:0:0:0:199a:b948:fbc:a149,
TCP Port=25,Selective ACK Mode=Enable, Delayed ACK Mode=Disable,Window
Scale(K)=128,Keep Alive Timer(s)=30,,,,, iSCSI Virtual Port ID=15,iSCSI Virtual Port

Detailed Information




The command name


The name of a port whose settings are modified

When a virtual storage machine is specified, the port name of the virtual storage machine is output.


This item is not output when changing a virtual port.

Security Switch

This item is not output when changing a virtual port.

Ethernet MTU(byte)

The value of Ethernet MTU (maximum transmission unit): 1500, 4500, or 9000 *

VLAN Tagging Mode

The VLAN tagging mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled


The VLAN ID before modification*

No value is output when VLAN ID is added.

For a VLAN ID to be deleted, the VLAN ID (1 to 4094) to be deleted is output.

For a VLAN ID to be modified, the VLAN ID (1 to 4094) to be modified is output.


The VLAN ID after modification*

For a VLAN ID to be added, the added VLAN ID (1 to 4094) is output.

For a VLAN ID to be deleted, no value is output.

For a VLAN ID to be modified, the modified VLAN ID (1 to 4094) is output.

IPv4 Address

The IPv4 address*

Subnet Mask

The subnet mask of the IPv4*

Default Gateway

The default gateway of the IPv4*

IPv6 Mode

The IPv6 setting status*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

LinkLocal Addressing Mode

The input mode of the link local address*

Auto: Automatic input, Manual: Manual input

No value is output when IPv6 Mode is disabled.

IPv6 LinkLocal Address

The IPv6 link local address*

Global Addressing Mode

The input mode of the global address and the global address 2*

Auto: Automatic input, Manual: Manual input

IPv6 Global Address

The IPv6 global address*

IPv6 Global Address 2

The IPv6 global address 2*

IPv6 Default Gateway

The IPv6 default gateway*

TCP Port

The TCP port number*

Selective ACK Mode

The setting status of Selective ACK Mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Delayed ACK Mode

The setting status of Delayed ACK Mode*

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Window Scale(K)

The TCP window size: 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024*

Keep Alive Timer(s)

The setting status of Keep Alive Timer**

iSNS Server

This item is not output when changing a virtual port.

iSNS Server IP

This item is not output when changing a virtual port.

iSNS Server TCP Port

This item is not output when changing a virtual port.

Virtual Storage Machine S/N

This item is not output when changing a virtual port.

iSCSI Virtual Port ID

The iSCSI virtual port ID (0-15)

iSCSI Virtual Port Operation

The operation to the iSCSI virtual port

Add: add, Modify: modify, Delete: delete

*No value is output when the option is not specified.

Example 4:Deleting a virtual port

[Config Command],,,Accept,from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx 
+Command=Modify Port(iSCSI)
++Port=1A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,iSCSI Virtual Port ID=15,iSCSI Virtual
Port Operation=Delete

Detailed Information




The command name


The name of a port whose settings are modified

When a virtual storage machine is specified, the port name of the virtual storage machine is output.


This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Security Switch

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Ethernet MTU(byte)

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

VLAN Tagging Mode

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.


This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.


This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

IPv4 Address

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Subnet Mask

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Default Gateway

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

IPv6 Mode

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

LinkLocal Addressing Mode

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

IPv6 LinkLocal Address

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Global Addressing Mode

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

IPv6 Global Address

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

IPv6 Global Address 2

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

IPv6 Default Gateway

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

TCP Port

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Selective ACK Mode

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Delayed ACK Mode

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Window Scale(K)

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Keep Alive Timer(s)

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

iSNS Server

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

iSNS Server IP

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

iSNS Server TCP Port

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

Virtual Storage Machine S/N

This item is not output when deleting a virtual port.

iSCSI Virtual Port ID

The iSCSI virtual port ID (0-15)

iSCSI Virtual Port Operation

The operation to the iSCSI virtual port

Add: add, Modify: modify, Delete: delete