[Remote Maintenance] Micro Program

Audit Log User Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number


09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,HH:MM:SS.xxx, 00:00,RM AP,,,[Remote Maintenance],
Micro Program,,Normal end,from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,
+Micro Media=Media
+Exchange How=Online
+Reboot Grp.=By 1/4 per System
+{Micro Kind,Old Ver,New Ver}=[{DKCMAIN,9000000050,9000000060},{SVP,90005005,90006005}],Num. of Kinds=2
+Forcibly update the micro-program regardless of the operating status of processors=Disable
+Forcibly run without safety checks=Disable
+Forcibly upload the micro-program=Disable
+Forcibly update the micro-program even if the update results in version downgrade=Disable

Detailed Information



Micro Media

The media that the microcode to be exchanged is stored (Media, SVP Local Drive, Version Down, Remote: Remote transfer)

Exchange How

The method to exchange the microcode.

Online: Exchanging the microcode online, Offline: Exchanging the microcode offline.

Reboot Grp.

The reboot group (By 1/2 per System, By 1/4 per System, By 1/8 per System, By One per DKC). If the microcode is exchanged offline, this item is ouput only when the MP reboot is executed.

Micro Kind

The type of the microcode

Old Ver

The version of the microcode before exchange

New Ver

The version of the microcode after exchange

Num. of Kinds

The number of types of microcodes

Forcibly update the micro-program regardless of the operating status of processors

Indicates whether the option for ignoring the MP usage rate is enabled (Enable or Disable).

Forcibly run without safety checks

Indicates whether the option for forcibly avoiding the prior check is enabled (Enable or Disable).

Forcibly upload the micro-program

Indicates whether the option for forcibly transferring the microcode is enabled (Enable or Disable).

Forcibly update the micro-program even if the update results in version downgrade

Indicates whether the option for forcibly downgrading the microcode is enabled (Enable or Disable).