This information appears in the syslog file only.
Example: RFC3164
<14> Jan 4 06:25:18 SVP Storage: CELFSS,1.1,250001,, 2006-01-04T06:25:18.3Z,Storage,SVP,AnomalyEvent,Success,<system>, R900:65307,,Japan-Tokyo,,,,,,,,,,,,SVP,,,[AuditLog],Over Threshold, SVP,Normal end
Example: RFC5424
<14>1 2006-01-04T06:25:18.3Z SVP Storage - - - CELFSS,1.1,250001, AnomalyEvent,Success,<system>,R900:65307,Japan-Tokyo,,,,,SVP,,, [AuditLog],Over Threshold,SVP,Normal end
Basic Information
Parameter |
Description |
Indicates that the capacity of audit log file 1 has exceeded the threshold value |
Indicates that the capacity of audit log file 2 has exceeded the threshold value |