Add Pair

Audit Log User Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number

Example 1: when the copy type is SIMF

09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,, 00:00,In-band MF,uid=user-name,,
[Config Command],,,Accept, from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx
+Command=Add Pair ++Copy Type=SIMF,I/F Version=0x09,Execute Type=Cmd. Device, S-VOL
Check=Enable ++P-VOL(CU:LDEV)=0x00:0x00,S-VOL(CU:LDEV)=0x00:0x02, MCU S/N=32652,MCU
SSID=0x1B60,RCU S/N=32652,RCU SSID=0x1B60,,, Copy Kind=,Copy
Pace=Normal,CTG=0x17,Initial Copy=None

Example 2: when the copy type is TCMF

09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,, 00:00,In-band MF,uid=user-name,,
[Config Command],,,Accept,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Command=Add Pair
++Copy Type=TCMF,I/F Version=0x40,Execute Type=Cmd. Device, S-VOL Check=Enable
++P-VOL(CU:LDEV)=0x00:0x00,S-VOL(CU:LDEV)=0x00:0x05, MCU S/N=32652,MCU
SSID=0x1B60,RCU S/N=32653,RCU SSID=0x1B60,,, Fence Level=Never,Initial
Copy=None,Copy Pace=Normal,,SCP=Enable, CTG Attribute=CTG,Time

Example 3: when the copy type is URMF

09xx,YYYY/MM/DD,, 00:00,In-band MF,uid=user-name,,
[Config Command],,,Accept,
from=xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx,,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx +Command=Add Pair
++Copy Type=URMF,I/F Version=0x11,Execute Type=Cmd. Device, S-VOL Check=Disable
++P-VOL(CU:LDEV)=0x00:0x00,S-VOL(CU:LDEV)=0x00:0x01, MCU S/N=32652,MCU
SSID=0x1B60,RCU S/N=32653,RCU SSID=0x1B60, M-JNLG=0x000,R-JNLG=0x003,Mirror
ID=1,Path Gr. ID=,Error Level=, Initial Copy=Delta

Detailed Information



Output items common to Example 1 to Example 3


The command name

Copy Type

The copy type

SIMF: ShadowImage for Mainframe,

TCMF: TrueCopy for Mainframe,

URMF: Universal Replicator for Mainframe

I/F Version

The command interface version

Execute Type

The volume type for executing the command

Receive Device: LDEV which receives the command

Cmd. Device: Command device

S-VOL Check

The setting status of the option for confirming the use condition of the secondary volume

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled


The CU number and the LDEV number of the primary volume


The CU number and the LDEV number of the secondary volume


The serial number of the local storage system


The SSID to which a volume on the local storage system belongs

The SSID to which the primary volume belongs for operating ShadowImage for Mainframe pairs


The serial number of the remote storage system

The same value as MCU S/N is output for operating ShadowImage for Mainframe pairs


The SSID to which a volume on the remote storage system belongs

The SSID to which the secondary volume belongs for operating ShadowImage for Mainframe pairs

Output items when Copy Type is SIMF

Blank item

Nothing is output due to unused.

Blank item

Nothing is output due to unused.

Copy Kind

The operation after creating pairs

Normal: Copy, Suspend: Suspend

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x10.

Copy Pace

The copy speed

Slow: Slow, Normal: Normal, Fast: Fast


The consistency group ID

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x04.

No value is output if it is not specified at the command option.

Initial Copy

Type of the pair creation operation

Entire: Creates pairs and copies data from the primary volume to the secondary volume.

None: Creates pairs but does not copy data from the primary volume to the secondary volume.

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x46.

Output items when Copy Type is TCMF

Blank item

Nothing is output due to unused.

Blank item

Nothing is output due to unused.

Fence Level

The fence level to be set (conditions where the local storage system rejects write operations to the primary volume)

Never: Can write to the primary volume even if the pair is split.

Data: Cannot write to the primary volume when update copying fails.

Status: Cannot write to the primary volume only when the storage system of the primary site cannot change the pair status of the secondary volume to PSUE

Initial Copy

The type of the pair creation operation

Entire: Creates pairs and copies data from the primary volume to the secondary volume

None: Creates pairs but does not copy data from the primary volume to the secondary volume

Copy Pace

The copy speed

Normal: Normal, Slow: Slow

Blank item

Nothing is output due to unused.


The setting status of SCP (Stage Change Pending) time change

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x04.

No value is output if CTG Attribute is Open/MF CTG.

CTG Attribute

The consistency group attribute

Open/MF CTG: Consistency group common to Open/Mainframe

CTG: Consistency group for Mainframe

No value is output if I/F Version is 0x30 or less than 0x22.

No value is output if values of P-CTG and S-CTG are not output.

Time Stamp

The transfer setting status of host time stamps to the secondary volume when creating pairs

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

No value is output if I/F Version is 0x20 or less than 0x16.


The consistency group number of the local storage system

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x04.

No value is output if the pair does not belong to the consistency group.


The consistency group number of the remote storage system

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x04.

No value is output if the pair does not belong to the consistency group.

Output items when Copy Type is URMF


The journal group number of the local storage system


The journal group number of the remote storage system

Mirror ID

The mirror ID

Path Gr. ID

The path group ID

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x33.

Error Level

The range of the pair split at failure occurrence

Group: All pairs in the same mirror as the pair to be operated are split

LU: Only the pair to be operated is split

No value is output if I/F Version is less than 0x12.

Initial Copy

The type of the pair creation operation

Entire: Creates pairs and copies data from the primary volume to the secondary volume

None: Creates pairs but does not copy data from the primary volume to the secondary volume

Delta: Creates delta resync pairs