Physical Devices report

System Administrator Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number

The following table describes the items in the Physical Devices report.

Item Description
Location PDEV name
CR# C# and R# (2-digit hexadecimal numbers that identify the PDEV Output in the format XX/YY, where:
  • XX: C#
  • YY: R#
PG PDEVs parity group
Emulation Type PDEVs emulation type
Drive Type PDEVs drive type

Output example: HDD, FMD DC2, SCM, SSD

Interface PDEVs control type

Output example: SAS, SATA, NVMe

RPM Revolutions per minute (unit: rpm)

A hyphen (-) indicates that the drive is not a hard disk drive (HDD).

Drive Type-Code Drive type code of the drive to which the parity group belongs

Output example: SLB5E-M19RSS;SLB5G-M19RSS

If multiple drive types are configured, they are separated by semicolons (;).
Drive Size Drive size (inches)

Output example: 2.5, 3.5

Drive Capacity Physical drive capacity (GB or TB)
Drive Version Drive firmware version
DKB1 Name of the DKB1 controlling the PDEV
DKB2 Name of the DKB2 controlling the PDEV
DKB3 Name of the DKB3 controlling the PDEV
DKB4 Name of the DKB4 controlling the PDEV
Serial Number# Serial number of this PDEV
RAID Level RAID level of PDEVs

Output example: RAID1(2D+2D), RAID5(7D+1P), RAID6(14D+2P)

RAID Concatenation#0 Number of parity group (#0) being concatenated to Physical drive Output example: 2-1, 3-1, 4-1
RAID Concatenation#1 Number of parity group (#1) being concatenated to Physical drive Output example: 2-1, 3-1, 4-1
RAID Concatenation#2 Number of parity group (#2) being concatenated to Physical drive Output example: 2-1, 3-1, 4-1
Resource Group Name Name of the resource group to which the PDEV parity group belongs
Resource Group ID ID of the resource group to which the PDEV parity group belongs (0 to 1023, decimal number)
Encryption Encryption status of the parity group to which the PDEV belongs:
  • Enabled: Encryption is enabled
  • Disabled: Encryption is disabled