Storage Device Launcher errors

System Administrator Guide for VSP 5000 Series

Part Number

Error condition Probable cause / Recommended action
Installation of Storage Device Launcher failed with error message “CPU Address Width”. The storage management software and SVP software installed on the SVP support only English and Japanese.

Set the locale of the HDvM - SN management client to either English or Japanese.

  • Storage Device Launcher cannot start. Or a message appears asking if you have entered the name correctly because ..\..\bundle\jre_win\bin\javaw cannot be found.
  • HDvM - SN that can run in the Adobe AIR environment cannot start from a web browser.
After installing Storage Device Launcher, the WCLauncher_win folder used for the installation might have been deleted or moved. If the WCLauncher_win folder remains, restore it to the location where it was installed. Or, reinstall Storage Device Launcher in the new location to which it has been moved.

If you cannot find the WCLauncher_win folder, download the setup file and reinstall Storage Device Launcher. For details, see Installing Storage Device Launcher on the management client.

Check the number of tiers of the certificate chain that is used in Hitachi Command Suite. The maximum number supported is 20 tiers for VSP 5000 series. Make sure to use a certificate in the certificate chain with no more than 20 tiers.