Deploying the UCP Advisor Gateway VM to a remote site

Unified Compute Platform (UCP) Advisor Software Installation Guide

Part Number
Deploy a UCP Advisor Gateway VM on each remote site in your multisite environment.
  • Ensure that you have a flat management networking scheme or that there is a route between the hardware management VLAN and the management VM VLAN.
  • Download the UCP Advisor installation media kit from the Hitachi Support Connect Portal at: A Hitachi login credential is required.
  1. Extract the UCP Advisor installation media ZIP file to a folder.
  2. Log on to vSphere Client.
  3. In the Navigator pane, click Hosts and Clusters.
  4. Right-click the vCenter IP address of the management node on the remote site, and then select Deploy OVF Template.
  5. Click Local file.
  6. Click Browse, then browse to the location where you extracted the UCP Advisor installation media ZIP file.
  7. Select \Advisor4.5\Software\Multi-site-GatewayOVA\Hitachi-UCP-Advisor-Gateway_9.3.0.ova. Click Open.
  8. Enter a unique name and target location, and then click Next.
  9. Select a compute resource, and then click Next.
  10. Review the details of the deployment. Click Next.
  11. Accept the license agreements, and then click Next.
  12. From Select virtual disk format, select Thick provision, then select the datastore for deployment. Click Next.
  13. Select the required VM network. This should be your management network for the optionally provisioned command device. Click Next.
  14. Customize the template with your host name, static IPv4 network details, ucpadmin password, and any other optional information.
    Important: Hitachi Vantara LLC field service personnel: This ucpadmin password must be provided by the customer.
  15. Review the configuration data, then click Finish.
  16. Power on the UCP Advisor Gateway VM.
  17. Repeat steps 4-16 for each remote site.
(Option) Provision a command device for the UCP Advisor Gateway VM. See Provisioning a command device for the Gateway VM.