Perform the following procedure on each of the following VMs:
- Master Node VM
- Worker Node1 VM
- Worker Node2 VM
- Take a snapshot of each VM and verify that the datastore has approximately 3x200 GB of additional available space to manage the snapshots. The total available disk space in the datastore for all three VMs should be approximately 2 TB.
- Verify that there is SSH connectivity to each VM to ensure that all the VMs are up and running.
- Verify that each VM meets its respective resource requirements. See UCP Advisor VM resource requirements.
- Verify that only the Master Node VM and the SCP server are configured with their respective IP addresses. No other custom IP addresses should be configured.
- Verify that the Worker Node1 and Worker Node2 VMs have a single network IP address.
- Verify that the required ports on each VM are not blocked by the firewall. See Firewall configuration required by the management node.
- Download the UCP Advisor 4.4 upgrade package ucpadvisor-air-gapped-v4.4.0-48.tar.gz from the Hitachi Support Connect Portal (login required) and copy it to the UCP Advisor Master Node VM.
- Download the CentOS 7.9 package bundle (ucpa_os_upgrade_pkg_4.4-1010.tar.gz) from the same Hitachi Support Connect Portal location and then copy it to the Master Node VM.
- From the Master Node VM, run the following commands to update each VM with the CentOS 7.9 updates:
sudo tar –xvzf ucpa_os_upgrade_pkg_4.4-1010.tar.gz cd os_upgrade sudo ./upgrade_rpm --master-node <Master Node IP address> --worker-nodes <Worker Node1 IP address> <Worker Node2 IP address> --node-username <Node username> --node-password <Node password>
Note: You can safely ignore any NOKEY warnings during the CentOS 7.9 package update. They do not affect the update. - (Optional) Generate and download the log bundle and any reports that you want to keep.
- (Optional) Identify the node for the command device. Enter the following command on the Master Node VM:
kubectl get node -o wide -l app=ucp
Note: This command displays a value that points to a Worker Node VM. - (Optional) Provision a new command device or update the existing command devices on the Worker Node VM obtained in step 11. See Provisioning a command device for the UCP Advisor Worker Node VM.
- If you have an external Gateway VM configured, then you must update it to the latest version before upgrading the UCP Advisor management software. See Updating the external Gateway VM.