Troubleshooting UCP Advisor first-time login issues

Unified Compute Platform (UCP) Advisor Software Installation Guide

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Use the following guidelines and suggested steps to help resolve issues with logging on to UCP Advisor for the first time after deploying it with the Service Console.

Unable to log on to UCP Advisor using the default credentials for the first time after deploying it with the Service Console. The following message is displayed:
The user name is required.
What it Means:
You must re-enter the default username and password.
Corrective Action:
  1. Close your current browser session.
  2. In a new browser, enter the IP address of the Master Node VM.
  3. Enter the following default credentials:
    • Username: ucpadmin
    • Password: overrunsurveysroutewarnssent
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Change the default password to a unique password.