Deploy Hitachi UCP Advisor on an existing logical UCP management cluster using the Service Console OVA, configure the network settings, and then launch the Service Console in a web browser to complete the UCP Advisor setup.
- vCenter 7.0.2 or later is preinstalled and configured, and the login credentials are set.
- A datacenter is created.
- A datastore with a minimum of 1400 GB free disk space is created in the datacenter.
- The DVS port group is created with the required configuration.
- Download the UCP Advisor Installation Media from Hitachi Vantara Support to a local directory.
- Log on to Hitachi Support Connect Portal using your credentials.
- On the Software Download tab, select UCP Advisor.
- From the Versions list, select version 4.4.0.
- Locate and then download the 23 GB UCP Advisor Installation Media file to a local directory on your laptop, and then unzip its contents.
- Log on to vSphere Client and then navigate to the management cluster where you want to deploy UCP Advisor.
- Right-click the management cluster and, then select Deploy OVF Template.
- Select the Local file option, and then click Upload Files.
- Browse to the local directory where you unzipped the UCP Advisor Installation Media file, and then select: Software/Hitachi-UCPAdvisor-ServiceConsole- Click Open.
- Verify the selected file, and then click Next.
- From Select a location for the virtual machine, select the datacenter where you want to deploy the Service Console VM, and then click Next.
- Select the management cluster, and then click Next.
- Verify the OVA file summary, and then click Next.
Note: Ignore the certificate warning messages.
- From Select virtual disk format list, select Thin Provision, and then click Next.
- Select the network type, and then click Next.
- Customize the following settings for the Service Console VM, and then click Next:
- IP Address
- The IPv4 address for the Service console VM.
- Netmask
- The IPv4 netmask address.
- Gateway
- The Gateway IPv4 for the Service Console VM.
- Hostname
- The host name for the Service Console VM.
- DNS Servers (optional)
- The IPv4 addresses for the domain name servers.
- NTP Server (optional)
- The URL or IP address to the NTP server.
- ucpadmin user password
- The password for the Service Console VM. This is the ucpadmin VM user password and is different from the password to launch the Service Console.
Note: You can use this password when you log on to SSH as a root user.
- Review the deployment summary, and then click Finish. You can monitor the deployment status on the Tasks page ().
- Power on the VM, wait approximately 10 minutes for the services to come up, and then verify that the VM is reachable over the network.
- In a web browser, enter the IP address for the Service Console VM.
- Log on to the Service Console using the following default credentials:
- Username: ucpadmin
- Password: ucpadmin
Note: These credentials apply to the Service Console. They do not apply to the Service Console where you deployed the Service Console OVA.
- Reset your password.