Deploying UCP Advisor on an existing logical UCP management cluster

Unified Compute Platform (UCP) Advisor Software Installation Guide

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Deploy Hitachi UCP Advisor on an existing logical UCP management cluster using the Service Console OVA, configure the network settings, and then launch the Service Console in a web browser to complete the UCP Advisor setup.

  • vCenter 7.0.2 or later is preinstalled and configured, and the login credentials are set.
  • A datacenter is created.
  • A datastore with a minimum of 1400 GB free disk space is created in the datacenter.
  • The DVS port group is created with the required configuration.
  1. Download the UCP Advisor Installation Media from Hitachi Vantara Support to a local directory.
    1. Log on to Hitachi Support Connect Portal using your credentials.
    2. On the Software Download tab, select UCP Advisor.
    3. From the Versions list, select version 4.4.0.
    4. Locate and then download the 23 GB UCP Advisor Installation Media file to a local directory on your laptop, and then unzip its contents.
  2. Log on to vSphere Client and then navigate to the management cluster where you want to deploy UCP Advisor.

    Navigate to management cluster

  3. Right-click the management cluster and, then select Deploy OVF Template.

    Right-click management cluster

  4. Select the Local file option, and then click Upload Files.

    Click Upload Files

  5. Browse to the local directory where you unzipped the UCP Advisor Installation Media file, and then select: Software/Hitachi-UCPAdvisor-ServiceConsole- Click Open.
  6. Verify the selected file, and then click Next.

    Verify the selected file and click Next

  7. From Select a location for the virtual machine, select the datacenter where you want to deploy the Service Console VM, and then click Next.

    Verify the VM name

  8. Select the management cluster, and then click Next.

    The compute resource is selected by default

  9. Verify the OVA file summary, and then click Next.
    Note: Ignore the certificate warning messages.

    Review details

  10. From Select virtual disk format list, select Thin Provision, and then click Next.

    Select Thin Provision

  11. Select the network type, and then click Next.

    Select the VM network

  12. Customize the following settings for the Service Console VM, and then click Next:

    Fill out the form

    IP Address
    The IPv4 address for the Service console VM.
    The IPv4 netmask address.
    The Gateway IPv4 for the Service Console VM.
    The host name for the Service Console VM.
    DNS Servers (optional)
    The IPv4 addresses for the domain name servers.
    NTP Server (optional)
    The URL or IP address to the NTP server.
    ucpadmin user password
    The password for the Service Console VM. This is the ucpadmin VM user password and is different from the password to launch the Service Console.
    Note: You can use this password when you log on to SSH as a root user.
  13. Review the deployment summary, and then click Finish. You can monitor the deployment status on the Tasks page (Menu > Tasks).

    Here you get the summary

  14. Power on the VM, wait approximately 10 minutes for the services to come up, and then verify that the VM is reachable over the network.

    Power on the VM

  15. In a web browser, enter the IP address for the Service Console VM.

    Enter IP address into web browser

  16. Log on to the Service Console using the following default credentials:

    Enter credentials

    • Username: ucpadmin
    • Password: ucpadmin
    Note: These credentials apply to the Service Console. They do not apply to the Service Console where you deployed the Service Console OVA.
  17. Reset your password.
Use the Service Console to set up UCP Advisor. See Setting up UCP Advisor on an existing management cluster.