Logical device types

Open-Systems Host Attachment Guide for Virtual Storage Platform Family

Part Number

The following table describes the types of logical devices (LDEVs) on the Hitachi storage systems that can be configured and used by open-systems hosts. The LDEVs on the storage systems are defined to the host as SCSI disk devices, even though the interface is Fibre Channel or iSCSI and the devices are disk drives or flash drives. For information about configuring LDEVs other than OPEN-V, contact customer support.

Device type Description
OPEN-V devices SCSI disk devices (Virtual LUN-based volumes) that do not have a predefined size.

The following table lists the specifications for the LDEVs on the Hitachi storage systems. The sector size for the devices is 512 bytes.

Device type Category Product name Number of blocks

(512 B/blk)

Number of cylinders Number of heads Number of sectors per track Capacity (MB)

(Note 1)

OPEN-3 SCSI disk OPEN-3 4806720 3338 15 96 7007
OPEN-8 SCSI disk OPEN-8 14351040 9966 15 96 2347
OPEN-9 SCSI disk OPEN-9 14423040 10016 15 96 7042
OPEN-E SCSI disk OPEN-E 28452960 19759 15 96 13893
OPEN-L SCSI disk OPEN-L 71192160 49439 15 96 34761
OPEN-3*n SCSI disk OPEN-3*n 4806720*n 3338*n 15 96 2347*n
OPEN-8*n SCSI disk OPEN-8*n 14351040*n 9966*n 15 96 7007*n
OPEN-9*n SCSI disk OPEN-9*n 14423040*n 10016*n 15 96 7042*n
OPEN-E*n SCSI disk OPEN-E*n 28452960*n 19759*n 15 96 13893*n
OPEN-L*n SCSI disk OPEN-L*n 71192160*n 49439*n 15 96 34761*n
OPEN-3VLL SCSI disk OPEN-3 CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-8 VLL SCSI disk OPEN-8 CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-9 VLL SCSI disk OPEN-9 CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-E VLL SCSI disk OPEN-E CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-V VLL SCSI disk OPEN-V (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 128 (Note 4)
OPEN-3*n VLL SCSI disk OPEN-3*n CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-8*n VLL SCSI disk OPEN-8*n CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-9*n VLL SCSI disk OPEN-9*n CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-E*n VLL SCSI disk OPEN-E*n CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)
OPEN-V*n VLL SCSI disk OPEN-V*n (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 128 (Note 4)
FXOPEN-3 FX oto OPEN-3 4806720 3338 15 96 2347
FX OPEN-3 VLL FX oto OPEN-3-CVS (Note 2) (Note 3) 15 96 (Note 4)


  1. This capacity is the maximum size that can be entered. The device capacity can sometimes be changed by the BIOS or host adapter. Also, different capacities may be due to variations such as 1 MB = 10002 bytes or 10242 bytes.
  2. The number of blocks for a Virtual LVI/LUN volume is calculated as follows:
    # of blocks = (# of data cylinders) × (# of heads) × (# of sectors per track)

    The number of sectors per track is 128 for OPEN-V.

    # of blocks = (53 cylinders – see Note 3) × (15 heads) × (96 sectors per track) = 76320
  3. The number of data cylinders for a Virtual LVI/LUN volume is calculated as follows ( ceil (value) means that the value should be rounded up to the next integer):
    • Number of data cylinders for an OPEN-V VLL volume
      # of cylinders = ceil((capacity (MB) specified by user) × 16/15)

      Example: For OPEN-V VLL volume with capacity = 50 MB:

      # of cylinders = ceil(50 × 16/15) = ceil(53.33) = 54 cylinders
  4. The size of an OPEN-x VLL volume is specified by capacity in MB, not number of cylinders. The size of an OPEN-V VLL volume can be specified by capacity in MB or number of cylinders.