View Pair Synchronization Rate window

TrueCopy® User Guide

Part Number

Use this window to view the percentage of synchronized data between P-VOL and S-VOL.

For complete information and instructions, see Monitoring TC pair synchronization rate.

Pairs table



Local Storage System

Information about volumes in the local storage system.

  • LDEV ID: LDEV identifier. Clicking the link opens the LDEV Properties window.
  • LDEV Name: LDEV name.
  • Pair Position: Whether the volume is a primary or secondary volume.
  • CLPR: CLPR ID of the volume.
  • Virtual storage machine: Virtual storage machine's model type and serial number.
  • Virtual LDEV ID: Virtual LDEV identifier of the volume.
  • Virtual Device Name: Virtual device name of the volume, in the format: virtual emulation type/number of virtual LUSE volumes/virtual CVS attribute.
    • Only attributes that are specified are displayed.
    • If the virtual CVS attribute is specified, "CVS" is displayed at the end of the device name.
    • A blank indicates no values are specified.
  • Virtual SSID: Virtual SSID of the volume. A blank indicates that no virtual SSID is specified.

Copy Type

TC Pairs tab:

  • TC: TrueCopy
  • (VSP 5000 series) TCMF: TrueCopy for Mainframe


Pair status.

For status definitions, see Pair status definitions

Synchronization Rate (%)

Displays the synchronization rate between the P-VOL and S-VOL:

  • Initial copy progress rate is displayed during the initial copy process.
  • Data synchronization rate of the P-VOL and S-VOL is displayed during pair split.
  • "(Queuing)" is displayed if processing has not started.

For a TC pair, when the local storage system volume is the P-VOL, the percentage is displayed regardless of the pair status. When the local storage system volume is the S-VOL, the percentage is displayed only if the pair status is other than COPY.

(VSP 5000 series) For a TCz pair, when the local storage system volume is the P-VOL, the percentage is displayed regardless of the pair status. When the local storage system volume is the S-VOL, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Remote Storage System

Information about volumes in the system connected to the system you accessed.

  • Model / Serial Number: Remote system's model and serial number.
  • (VSP 5000 series) SSID: Remote system's SSID number. TCz only.
  • LDEV ID: LDEV identifier.
  • Virtual storage machine: Virtual storage machine's model type and serial number.
  • Virtual LDEV ID: Virtual LDEV identifier of the volume.

Path Group ID

Path group identifier. TC only.


Updates the information.