Edit Pair Options window

TrueCopy® User Guide

Part Number

Use this window to change pair options.

For complete information and instructions, see Changing P-VOL fence level.



Primary Volume Fence Level

Whether the P-VOL can be written to when the pair is split due to error.

  • Data: The P-VOL cannot be written to.
  • Status: The P-VOL can be written to only if the primary system can change the S-VOL status to PSUE (TrueCopy) or Suspend (TrueCopy for Mainframe). If the primary system cannot change the S-VOL status, the P-VOL cannot be written to.
  • Never: The P-VOL can be written to.

The value set for the selected pair is the default.

CFW Data (VSP 5000 series)

TCz only.

Whether CFW (DASD fast write) data is copied to the S-VOL.

  • Primary Volume Only: Data not copied (default).
  • Secondary Volume Copy: Data is copied.

The value set for the selected pair is the default.


  • To apply the pair option that is set on the P-VOL to the S-VOL, split and then resynchronize the TCz pair.
  • Do not specify Primary Volume Only if system option mode (SOM) 1091 is ON. If you do, I/O to the S-VOL might terminate abnormally.
  • Do not set SOM 1091 to ON if you changed the CFW data setting after you created the TCz pair. If you do, I/O to the S-VOL might terminate abnormally.