Initializing the encryption environmental settings

Encryption License Key User Guide

Part Number

Before you initialize the encryption environmental settings, data encryption must be disabled on all parity groups.

  • You must have the Security Administrator (View & Modify) role.
  1. Verify that encryption has been disabled on all parity groups:
    1. In the Explorer pane, expand the Storage Systems tree, and then select Parity Groups.
    2. On the Parity Groups tab, verify that Disabled is displayed in the Encryption column for all parity groups.
  2. On the Explorer pane, select Administration, and then select Encryption Keys.
  3. Click Edit Encryption Environmental Settings.
  4. In the Edit Encryption Environmental Settings window, and select Initialize Encryption Environmental Settings (in the lower left corner of the window).
  5. Select Finish.
  6. In the Confirm window, confirm the settings, and enter your task name in Task Name.
    If you want the Tasks window to open after you click Apply, select Go to tasks window for status.
  7. Click Apply.