Installing the license key for the Encryption License Key software

Encryption License Key User Guide

Part Number

Use the following procedure to install the license key for the Encryption License Key software on the storage system.

  • You must have the Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration) role to perform this task.
  • Verify that your system meets the system requirements.
  1. In the Explorer pane, click Administration, and then click License Keys.
  2. In the License Keys window, click Install Licenses.
  3. In License Key, select Key Code or File, and then enter the license key code or specify the license key file for Encryption License Key.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Selected License Keys table, select the license key code that you added, and then click Enable.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. In the Confirm window, verify the settings, and enter a task name.
    If you want the Tasks window to open automatically after you click Apply, select Go to tasks window for status.
  8. Click Apply.
    If Go to tasks window for status is checked, the Tasks window opens.
  • If you will use a key management server, configure the key management server. For instructions, see Configuring the key management server.
  • Assign the Security Administrator (View & Modify) role to the user who will initialize the encryption environmental settings.
  • Initialize the encryption environmental settings on the storage system. After the encryption environmental settings have been initialized, you can enable encryption on the desired parity groups and back up the encryption keys.