Enabling encryption on a parity group that contains pool volumes

Encryption License Key User Guide

Part Number

Use this procedure to enable encryption on a parity group that contains one or more pool volumes.

You can enable encryption on a parity group that contains pool volumes only under the following conditions:
  • The parity group must not contain any volumes, or all volumes in the parity group must be blocked. If the parity group contains any unblocked volumes, you must block the volumes before encryption can be enabled.
  • Accelerated compression must not be enabled on the parity group. If accelerated compression is enabled on the parity group, you must disable accelerated compression before encryption can be enabled. For details about disabling accelerated compression, see the Provisioning Guide.
  • The encryption environmental settings must already be configured.
  • You must have the following user roles:
    • Security Administrator (View & Modify) role to enable encryption
    • Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role to block or format volumes during the enable encryption operation
    • Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role to format virtual volumes during the enable encryption operation
    • Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role to disable capacity saving during the enable encryption operation
    • Support Personnel (Vendor Only) role to block or format pool volumes during the enable encryption operation
Enabling encryption on a parity group is a destructive operation. Verify the correct parity group ID before performing this operation. You are responsible for backing up the data in the target parity group, if necessary, before performing this operation.
  1. On the Explorer pane, click Storage Systems, expand Pools, and click the pool to which the target parity group belongs.
  2. Select the Virtual Volumes tab, and check the settings in the Capacity Saving Status column:
    • If the Capacity Saving Status of all virtual volumes is Disabled, go to the next step.
    • If the Capacity Saving Status of virtual volumes is not Disabled, perform the following actions for each virtual volume whose capacity saving status is not disabled:
      1. Block the virtual volume.
      2. Format the virtual volume.
      3. Disable the capacity saving setting on the virtual volume.
      4. Verify that Capacity Saving Status of the virtual volume shows Disabled.
  3. On the Virtual Volumes tab, check the LDEV status in the Status column of the table:
    • If the status of all LDEVs is Blocked, or if there are no LDEVs, go to the next step.
    • If there are LDEVs and the status of all LDEVs is not Blocked, one or more LDEVs is not blocked. Block all LDEVs that are not blocked, and then go to the next step.
    To block the deduplication system data volumes (DSD volumes), you must first block all virtual volumes with Deduplication Data enabled in the pool. If not, the DSD volumes cannot be blocked.
  4. Enable data encryption for all parity groups in the target pool as follows:
    1. On the Explorer pane, click Parity Groups.
    2. On the Parity Groups tab, select the target parity group, and then click More Actions > Edit Encryption.
    3. In the Edit Encryption window, select the parity group, and then select Enable for Encryption.
      If the parity group contains unblocked volumes, or if accelerated compression is enabled for the parity group, an error will occur when you perform this task.
    4. For Format Type, select Normal Format.
    5. Click Add.
      The parity group is added to the Selected Parity Groups list.

      If there are no volumes in the parity group, the format type in the Selected Parity Groups list is displayed as a hyphen (-).

    6. If you want to change the format type of a parity group in the Selected Parity Groups list, select the parity group, click Remove, and then add the parity group to the Selected Parity Groups list again with the desired format type.
    7. When you are finished adding parity groups to the Selected Parity Groups list, click Finish.
    8. In the Confirm window, confirm the settings, and enter your task name in Task Name.
      If you want the Tasks window to open after you click Apply, select Go to tasks window for status.
    9. Click Apply, and then click OK in the message that appears.
  5. If there are no DSD volumes, go to the next step.
    If there are DSD volumes, click More Actions > Initialize Duplicated Data to display the Initialize Duplicated Data window, and then click Apply. The tasks are registered. If Go to tasks window for status is checked, the Tasks window opens.
  6. Click the Virtual Volumes tab, and then format all LDEVs whose status (in the Status column) of the table is Blocked.
    To format the virtual volumes with Deduplication Data enabled, you must first format the deduplication system data volumes (data store) in the pool. If not, the virtual volumes with Deduplication Data enabled cannot be formatted.