Creating encryption keys

Encryption License Key User Guide

Part Number

You can use Device Manager - Storage Navigator to create new encryption keys. Encryption keys are created automatically when you perform the initial configuration of the encryption environmental settings in the Edit Encryption Environmental Settings window. The number of keys created automatically depends on the number of installed encrypting back-end modules (EBEMs) or encrypting controllers (ECTLs). When you want to create additional keys, the Create Keys window displays how many more keys can be created on the storage system.

  • You must have the Security Administrator (View & Modify) role.
  1. In the Explorer pane, select Administration, and then select Encryption Keys.
  2. On the Encryption Keys tab, click Create Keys.
  3. In the Create Keys window, specify the maximum number of encryption keys that you can create. The new encryption keys will have with the Free attribute, and the key IDs will be assigned automatically.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. In the confirmation window:
    1. Verify the selected settings.
    2. In Task Name, enter the desired task name or accept the default task name.
    3. If you want the Tasks window to open after you click Apply, select Go to tasks window for status.
    4. Click Apply.
If you are not using a key management server, create secondary backups of the new encryption keys. For instructions, see Backing up the encryption keys to a file.

If you are using a key management server, the encryption keys are automatically backed up immediately after they are created. In addition, if you enabled the regular encryption key backup option, regular backups of the encryption keys will be performed daily according to the specified schedule.