Changing the password requirements for the backup encryption keys

Encryption License Key User Guide

Part Number
When you back up the encryption keys to a file on the Device Manager - Storage Navigator computer, you must enter a key restoration password. If desired, you can specify the following additional character requirements for the password:
  • Minimum number of numeric characters (0-9)
  • Minimum number of uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • Minimum number of lowercase letters (a-z)
  • Minimum number of symbols (! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~)
  • Minimum total number of characters
  • You must have the Security Administrator (View & Modify) role.
  1. In the Settings menu, select Security > Edit Password Policy (Backup Encryption Keys).
  2. In the Edit Password Policy (Backup Encryption Keys) window, enter the desired password requirements.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. In the Confirm window, confirm the settings, and enter a task name in Task Name.
    If you want the Task window to open after you click Apply, select Go to tasks window for status.
  5. Click Apply.