Adding an iSCSI path

Universal Volume Manager User Guide

Part Number

You must have the Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role.

  1. Open the External Storage window.
    1. Click Storage Systems, and then expand the Storage Systems tree.
    2. Click External Storage.
  2. In the External Storage window, click the iSCSI Paths tab, and then click Add iSCSI Paths.
  3. Click Discover iSCSI Targets.
  4. In the Discover iSCSI Targets window, for Local Port ID, select the port connected to the external storage system of the local storage system.
  5. For Remote IP Address, enter the IP address of the external storage system port.
  6. For Remote TCP Port Number, enter the TCP port number of the external storage system port (1 to 65535).
  7. Click Add.
    The targets that you entered will be added to the Discovery List table. You can add up to eight targets.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Add iSCSI Paths window, select the iSCSI path to be added from the Available iSCSI Paths table.
  10. For Authentication Method, select CHAP or None.

    For either authentication methods, select one of the following options for Mutual CHAP:

    • Enable: Authentication is bidirectional.
    • Disable: Authentication is unidirectional.

    If you select CHAP and enable mutual CHAP, you must specify a user name and secret. If you disable mutual CHAP, the user name and secret are optional.

  11. Click Add.

    The selected iSCSI path will be added to the Selected iSCSI Paths table.

    Up to 4,096 iSCSI paths can be added including those paths that were already added.

  12. Click Finish.
  13. In the confirmation window:
    1. Confirm the settings.
    2. Accept the default task name or enter a unique name.
      You can enter up to 32 letters, numbers, and symbols, except these:

      \ / : , ; * ? " < > |

    3. If you want to view the list of tasks for the storage system after clicking Apply, select Go to tasks window for status.
  14. Click Apply to submit the task.