Before disconnecting volumes or systems, processes must be resolved or stopped, as described in the following table.
Activity in the external volume | Required operation |
I/O to the external volume from the open system host is in progress. | Stop I/O to the volume and unmount the volume from the host. Host I/O is forcibly stopped if you disconnect when I/O is in progress. |
The external volume is online from the mainframe host. (VSP 5000 series) | Stop the host I/Os to the volume and perform the Vary Offline operation. |
The external volume includes LDEVs used in pair operations with the
following copy software products:
Delete the pair. You can disconnect without deleting a ShadowImage or ShadowImage for Mainframe pair when pair status is PSUE or Suspend/SUSPER. |
The external volume includes LDEVs registered to a Thin Image data pool. | Delete Thin Image data pool. |
The external volume includes LDEVs registered to a Dynamic Provisioning pool volume (DP-VOL). | Perform all of the following operations on DP-VOLs associated with the external volume:
The external volume includes LDEVs for which Volume Migration processing is in progress. | Delete the migration plans. |
The external volume is used in a global-active device quorum disk. | Delete the quorum disk settings. |