Deleting an external volume mapping

Universal Volume Manager User Guide

Part Number

If you no longer want to access data in an external volume, you can delete the mapping. When you do, the data in the external volume is not deleted.

  • You must have the Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role.
  • If you disconnect the external volume or volumes, before you delete them, all the data in the cache memory is written to the external volume.

    However, you can delete a volume without disconnecting, meaning that data in cache memory is not destaged to the external volume.

  • You cannot delete a mapping while the external volume is used in the following:
    • TrueCopy, Universal Replicator, ShadowImage, Thin Image, or global-active device.
    • A reserved volume for ShadowImage or Volume Migration.
    • A pool-VOL
    • A Quorum Disk
  • For command devices, stop the application using the external volume as a command device.
  1. Open the External Storage window.
    1. Click Storage Systems, and then expand the Storage Systems tree.
    2. Click External Storage.
  2. On the External Storage Systems tab, click the link for an external system
  3. On the External Path Groups tab, click the link for a path group.
  4. On the Mapped Volumes tab, select the external volume.
  5. Click More Actions > Delete External Volumes and select .
  6. In the Delete External Volumes window, verify the external volumes you want to delete.
  7. For Have you already disconnected external volume of above table?, click one of the following:
    • Yes if you have already disconnected the volumes.
    • No if you have not disconnected the volumes.
  8. If you clicked No in the previous step, then, for Do you want to execute Delete External Volumes operation without writing the cache data to the volumes?, click Yes or No.
    If you click Yes, the mapping can be deleted, however the data in cache memory that has not been written to the volumes cannot be guaranteed (Forcibly deleting external volumes).
  9. Click Finish.
  10. In the confirmation window:
    1. Confirm the settings.
    2. Accept the default task name or enter a unique name.
      You can enter up to 32 letters, numbers, and symbols, except these:

      \ / : , ; * ? " < > |

    3. If you want to view the list of tasks for the storage system after clicking Apply, select Go to tasks window for status.
  11. Click Apply to submit the task.