The storage systems support the industry-standard simple network management protocol (SNMP) for remote storage system management from the host servers. You must configure the SNMP software on the host before the new storage is attached. For assistance with SNMP configuration on the host, see the SNMP user documentation or contact the vendor’s technical support.
SNMP is a part of the TCP/IP protocol suite that supports maintenance functions for storage and communication devices. The storage systems use SNMP to transfer status and management commands to the SNMP Manager on the host (see the following figure). When the SNMP Manager requests status information or when a service information message (SIM) occurs, the SNMP Agent on the storage system notifies the SNMP Manager on the host. Notification of error conditions is made in real time, enabling you to monitor the storage system from the open-systems host.
When a SIM occurs, the SNMP Agent initiates trap operations, which alert the SNMP Manager of the SIM condition. The SNMP Manager receives the SIM traps from the SNMP Agent and can request information from the SNMP Agent at any time.