Journaled file system size for AIX

Open-Systems Host Attachment Guide

Part Number

Use the following table to set the journaled file system size.

Device Type LU Product Name


(in 512-Byte Blocks)

Maximum File System Size (see Note 1)

(in 512-Byte Blocks)

Standard LU OPEN-3 4806720 4792320
OPEN-8 14351040 14319616
OPEN-9 14423040 14401536
OPEN-E 28452960 28409856
OPEN-L 71192160 71041024
OPEN-V Max.125827200 Max.125566976
OPEN-x*n See the device specifications table in Logical device types (see Note 2)
LUSE Device OPEN-x*n VLL See the device specifications table in Logical device types (see Note 2)
VLL LUSE Device OPEN-x*n VLL See the device specifications table in Logical device types (see Note 2)
Note 1: When determining SIZE of file system at Add a Journaled File System, AIX® already uses an unspecified amount of disk space. You must determine the remaining space available for physical partitions.

Note 2: Calculate the maximum file system size for these devices as follows:

  1. Display the number of free physical partitions (FREE PPs) and physical partition size (PP SIZE) by entering the lsvg command, for example:
    # lsvg VSPvg0
    VOLUMEGROUP:   VSPvg0              VG IDENTIFIER:   0083665612e98521
    VG STATE:      active               PP SIZE:         64 megabyte(s)
    VG PERMISSION: read/write           TOTAL PPs:       733 (46912 megabytes)
    MAX LVs:       256                  FREE PPs:        733 (46912 megabytes)  
    LVs:           0                    USED PPS:        0 (0 megabytes)
    OPEN LVs:      0                    QUORUM:          2
    TOTAL PVs:     1                    VG DESCRIPTORS:  2
    STALE PVs;     0                    STALE PPs        0
    ACTIVE PVs     1                    AUTO ON:         yes
    Concurrent:    Non-Capable          Auto-Concurrent: Disabled
    VG Mode:       Non-Concurrent
  2. Use the following formula to calculate the maximum file system size:
    maximum file system size = (FREE PPs – 1) × (PP SIZE) × 2048

    For the example shown above: maximum file system size = (733 – 1) × (64) × 2048 = 95944704