If the pool capacity (or the capacity ensured for writing) exceeded the threshold or there is no free space in shared memory, Service Information Messages (SIMs) below are issued. This topic provides information about SIMs related to Thin Image Advanced pools. For SIMs related to DP pools, and for details about the pool usage capacity and the capacity ensured for writing, see the Provisioning Guide for your storage system.
Fix pool-related errors by referencing the following Service Information Messages (SIMs):
- Reference code 603000: The estimated configurable capacity (indicates the size of V-VOLs you can create) for Thin Image Advanced pairs, or the Snapshot Estimated Manageable Capacity for Thin Image pairs that do not use DRS-VOLs, reached less than 5% of the capacity supported by the installed shared memory.
- Reference code 624000: You have reached capacity in the shared memory.
For details about reference codes of SIMs, contact customer support.
You can check the SIMs occurring in storage systems from a Device Manager - Storage Navigator window. For information about the Device Manager - Storage Navigator windows you can use for checking SIMs, see the System Administrator Guide for your storage system.
Use the following workflow to implement fixes:
- Complete one of the following:
- For reference code 624000, complete one of the following:
- Delete unused pools.
- Delete unused Thin Image pairs that do not use DRS-VOLs.
- Delete unused DP-VOLs, V-VOLs with capacity saving
enabled, or DRS-VOLs.
If you use the raidcom delete ldev command to delete a DRS-VOL, run the command with the -operation initialize_capacity_saving option.
- Shrink the capacity of the HDP, HDT, active flash, or Thin Image (that does not use DRS-VOLs) pool.
- For reference code 603000, perform one of the tasks listed for reference code 624000 above. Although task completion is not a requirement, if it is not completed some time after reference code 603000 was issued, then reference code 624000 might be reported. In Device Manager - Storage Navigator, enabling the Disable the alert notification of shared memory space warning option in the Edit Local Replica Options window or using the raidcom modify local_replica_optset_system_opt command in CCI to set ID# 30, inhibits the alarm notification of reference code 603000. For details about how to set the option, see Edit Local Replica Options window.
- For reference code 624000, complete one of the following:
- (VSP 5000 series) Clear the SIM
from the storage system. Depending on the SIM's reference code, one of the
following occurs:
- The SIM is automatically completed.
- You manually complete the SIM.
- (Optional) Use HDvM - SN to confirm that the SIM completed normally.
For more information about the Pools window and the Complete SIMs window, see the Provisioning Guide for your storage system.
For more information about completing SIMs automatically and manually, see the System Administrator Guide for your storage system.