When you boot or reboot a host server, such as HP-UX or Solaris, that you use to issue a read command for recognizing devices, or when you run such a command on a V-VOL from the host server, keep the following items in mind:
- You cannot change the volume (device) that is already recognized by the host server to a V-VOL.
- You must have created the Thin Image Advanced pair, stored snapshot data, and ensured that the pair status of the V-VOL to be recognized by the host server is PSUS.
If you do not fulfill all the above conditions, devices might not be recognized successfully or the host server might stop due to an abnormality. If your host server stops after you boot or reboot it or after you run the command for recognizing devices, do the following:
You must have the Storage Administrator (Local Copy)
- Forcibly stop the process and the parent process of the command.
- Create the Thin Image Advanced pair.
- Store snapshot data.
- Run the command for recognizing devices.