Pair tables contain information that is required to manage HTI Advanced pairs. Each HTI Advanced pair requires one pair table. The maximum number of pair tables is the maximum number of pairs that can be used in a storage system.
The number of HTI Advanced pairs that you can create is maximum-number-of-pair-tables-per-storage-system - number-of-existing-pairs.
The maximum number of pair tables is 1,048,575.
Pair tables are the common resources for both Thin Image and Thin Image Advanced. Calculate the number of Thin Image pairs that can be created, according to the following formula:
number-of-pairs-that-can-be-created-per-storage-system = 1,048,575 - (number-of-created-Thin Image-pairs + number-of-created-Thin Image Advanced-pairs)
To view the number of existing HTI pairs in HDvM - SN, use the Local Replication window. In CCI, use the raidcom get pool command with the -key basic option specified. Total the number of displayed SSCNT (number of snapshot data sets in a pool) to get the number of existing HTI pairs.