Thin Image Advanced pair status definitions

Thin Image Advanced User Guide

Part Number

The following table describes the Thin Image Advanced pair status definitions, the S-VOL access for the status, and the corresponding status that is shown in HDvM - SN.

Pair status shown in CCI


S-VOL access

Status shown in HDvM - SN


The storage system has accepted an operation for creating a pair. The P-VOL accepts read/write operations, but the SVOLs do not accept read/write operations. Read/write disabled. COPY(PD)
PAIR The volumes are paired. The S-VOLs do not accept read/write operations. Read/write disabled. PAIR
PFUL The usage rate of the DP pool exceeds the depletion threshold when the pair status is PAIR. Read/write disabled. PFUL
PSUP The pair with the snapshot attribute is in the process of being split. The S-VOLs do not accept read/write operations. After the pair is split, the pair status is automatically changed to PSUS or PFUS. Read/write disabled. PSUS(SP)
PSUS The pair with the snapshot attribute is split. The S-VOLs can accept read/write operations. When the pair status is PSUS or PFUS, the storage system records differential data between the P-VOL and S-VOLs so that you can immediately resynchronize the pair. Read/write enabled (Can be mounted to the S-VOL.) PSUS
PFUS The usage rate of the DP pool exceeds the depletion threshold when the pair status is PSUS. Read/write enabled. PFUS
COPY Normal Copy is in progress (snapshot data is being deleted). The S-VOLs do not accept read/write operations. Read/write disabled. COPY(RS)
RCPY The pair accepted Reverse Copy operation and the pair is in the process of being copied for pair restoration.2 The P-VOL and S-VOLs do not accept read/write operations. Read/write disabled (Read/Write disabled also for P-VOL) COPY(RS-R)
CPYP For the pair with snapshot attribute, assigning an S-VOL, releasing the assignment of the S-VOL, or changing the assignment of the S-VOL is in progress. The S-VOLs do not accept read/write operations. When the processing is complete, the pair status returns to the status before the processing. Read/write disabled COPY(SP)
SMPP1 The pair is in the process of being deleted. You cannot perform pair tasks when the pair is in this status, and you cannot assign an S-VOL to snapshot data, release an assignment, or change an assignment. When the processing is complete, volumes are unpaired. Read/write disabled SMPL(PD)


The storage system suspended the Thin Image Advanced pair due to a failure. The P-VOL continues accepting read/write operations, but S-VOLs do not accept read/write operations. Snapshot data is lost.

Read/Write disabled.



1. SMPP is displayed if the -key detail option is specified for the raidcom get snapshot command.

2. Starting time of the copy depends on numbers of pairs and your system environment.