Viewing the number of pairs

Thin Image Advanced User Guide

Part Number
You can view the list of primary volumes.

Viewing the number of pairs using CCI commands

Use the raidcom get pool command to view the number of pairs:

# raidcom get pool -key basic
PID  POLS U(%)  LCNT SSCNT Available(MB) Capacity(MB) Snap_Used(MB) 
TL_CAP(MB) BM TR_CAP(MB) RCNT   Seq# Num LDEV# W(%) H(%) STIP    VCAP(%) 
000  POLN   0  11001 11001        46998        46998             0    
2432398  NB         0     0 300050   1     0  70   80  YES   UNLIMITED  
OPEN N  HDP dp_ti_pool
001  POLN   0      - 11001        46998        46998             
-          -  -          -     - 300050   1     1   -   80  
-             -  OPEN N  TI  tipool

SSCNT indicates the number of snapshot datasets in a pool. You can get the number of pairs created in a pool by checking the value for SSCNT. To get the entire number of pairs, total the values for all pools.

Viewing the number of pairs using HDvM - SN

  1. In the Explorer pane, click Storage Systems, expand the storage system tree, expand Replication, and then click Local Replication.
  2. In the summary section in the Local Replication window, for Number of Pairs, view the number of pairs.