You can view the list of primary volumes.
Viewing the list using CCI commands
Use the raidcom get snapshot command with the -key detail option specified. The following shows a command example for when viewing the list of pairs in snapshot group "ROW":
raidcom get snapshot -snapshotgroup ROW -fx -key detail
SnapShot_name P/S STAT Serial# LDEV# MU# P-LDEV# PID %
ROW P-VOL PAIR 500001 ee01 3 ee02 3 -
---AR------- - N - N D
If you specify the -key detail option, the display area for MODE is expanded. The following describes the MODE values related to Thin Image Advanced:
- G
- CTG mode
- A
- Cascade mode (A is always displayed for Thin Image Advanced pairs)
- R
- Thin Image Advanced pair
The value R cannot be displayed for MODE if the -key detail option is not specified. (The values G and A can be displayed for MODE even if the -key detail option is not specified.)
Topology ID in the Local Replication window in HDvM - SN is not displayed in the CCI command output. To view Topology ID, use HDvM - SN.