Viewing consistency group properties

Thin Image Advanced User Guide

Part Number
You can view properties of a consistency group using the Consistency Group Properties window in HDvM - SN. CCI does not have a command to perform this task.
  1. In the Explorer pane, click Storage Systems, expand the storage system tree, expand Replication, and then click Local Replication.
  2. In the Local Replication window, select the Consistency Groups tab.
  3. In the Consistency Groups tab, click the CTG ID for the consistency group for which you want to view properties.

  4. In the Consistency Group Properties window, view the following consistency group properties:
    • CTG ID The consistency group identification number.
    • Status The consistency group status.


      - SI Used: SI is using the consistency group.

      - SIMF Used (RAID Manager): (VSP 5000 series) SIz is using the consistency group and CCI is managing the consistency group.

      - SIMF Used (PPRC/BCM): (VSP 5000 series) SIz is using the consistency group and PPRC and Business Continuity Manager are managing the consistency group.

      - TI Used: HTI Advanced is using the consistency group.

      - Mainframe Reserved: (VSP 5000 series) PPRC and Business Continuity Manager are using the consistency group.

      - Free: The consistency group is not being used and is not reserved.

      - (Changing...): The status is in the process of changing.

    • Number of Pairs The number of pairs that are assigned to the consistency group.

    You can check information about other than these three items (CTG ID, Status, and Number of pairs) also by using CCI. For details, see Viewing the number of pairs and Viewing the list of primary volumes.