Interpreting error codes using Command Control Interface

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

You can use the CCI operation logs to troubleshoot tasks that you have performed. The following procedure describes CCI error codes and how to locate and interpret them.

  1. Open one of the following:
    • The CCI window.
    • The CCI operation log file.
  2. In the log that is displayed, locate the log entry or error code you are investigating. You can use the SSB1/SSB2 error code combination to determine the cause of the error. The error codes are shown to the right of the equal symbol (=) in the log. The SSB1 code is the last four alphanumeric characters to the left of the comma (,). The SSB2 code is the last four alphanumeric characters to the right of the comma (,).
    • CCI window sample log entry:

      It was rejected due to SKEY=0x05, ASC=0x20,SSB=0xB9E1,0xB901 on Serial#(64015)

      SSB1 code: B9E1

      SSB2 code: B901

    • CCI operation log file sample error code:

      11:06:03-37897-10413- SSB = 0xb9a0,2089

      SSB1 code: b9a0

      SSB2 code: 2089

  3. Locate the description of the SSB2 error code in the following table. Unless otherwise indicated, these codes apply to SSB1 codes 2e31, b9a0, b9a1, b9a2, b9a5, b9a6, b9ae, and b9af.

For more information about the errors that are not described in the table, contact customer support.

SSB2 code



An error occurred during an SI pair task.


The SI pair operation cannot be performed because the data reduction shared volume specified as the P-VOL is currently unavailable.


The SI pair operation cannot be performed because the data reduction shared volume specified as the S-VOL is currently unavailable.


The pair task was rejected because the specified DP-VOL is not associated with a pool.


The CTG pair-split was rejected because the UR pair is other than PAIR/PSUS/PSUE. The UR S-VOL was the SI P-VOL included in the CTG on which the pair-split is being performed.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because the cache mode of the specified P-VOL is different from the cache mode of the external S-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because one of the following conditions applies to the P-VOL:

  • It is used as a global-active device pair volume, and the volume status does not allow the pair task.
  • It is a volume for which the global-active device reserve attribute is set.


The pair task was rejected because one of the following conditions applies to the S-VOL:

  • It is used as a global-active device pair volume, and the volume status does not allow the pair task.
  • It is a volume for which the global-active device reserve attribute is set.


The pair task was rejected because the global-active device quorum disk was specified as the SI P-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because the global-active device quorum disk was specified as the SI S-VOL.

2038 The operation failed because multiple GAD pairs had been created by using the SI P-VOL.


The volume you specified as a P-VOL was a volume using two mirrors included in a 3-UR DC multi-target or cascade configuration. The operation was rejected because the volume was used as a UR delta resync or data volume.


The volume you specified as an S-VOL was a volume using two mirrors included in a 3-UR DC multi-target or cascade configuration. The operation was rejected because the volume was used as a UR delta resync or data volume.


The pair task was rejected because the current firmware version does not support the specified P-VOL capacity.


The pair task was rejected because the current firmware version does not support the specified S-VOL capacity.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the volume for Volume Migration, and the transfer process could not be interrupted.

Retry the operation after the Volume Migration transfer process has completed.


The pair was not created because the specified MU number is in use.


The volume you specified as an SI P-VOL was a volume of a UR pair. The pair task was rejected because the status of the UR pair is not in the required status.

For more information about the required status for each pair task, see Pair status and available pair tasks.


The volume you specified as an SI S-VOL was a volume of a UR pair. The pair task was rejected because the status of the UR pair is not in the required status.

For more information about the required status for each pair task, see Pair status and available pair tasks.


Volumes of the specified pair are shared by TC and UR. The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the TC or UR pair is not split (PSUS status).


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is used as a volume for a GAD pair, and it is the migration source volume of Volume Migration.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is used as a volume for a GAD pair, and a new GAD pair is being created or resynchronized.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is the volume for Volume Migration, and the transfer process could not be interrupted.

Retry the operation after the Volume Migration transfer process has completed.


The pair task was rejected because of one of the following reasons:

  • The P-VOL is also an HTI pool volume.
  • The P-VOL is also an HTI S-VOL or an HTI V-VOL.
  • The P-VOL is also an HTI P-VOL, and one of the following conditions is also true:

    - While restoring the HTI pair, you attempted to create, split, or resynchronize the SI pair.

    - You attempted the SI Quick Restore.

    - You attempted to define a CTG for SI.

    - After you specified the MU number an HTI pair was using, you attempted to create, split, or resynchronize the SI pair.

  • When the P-VOL is used as a P-VOL of a Thin Image Advanced pair that is in the PSUP status, the Reverse Copy operation in SI is attempted.


The pair task was rejected because of one of the following reasons:

  • The S-VOL is also an HTI pool volume.
  • The S-VOL is also an HTI S-VOL or an HTI V-VOL.
  • The S-VOL is also an HTI P-VOL, and you attempted to create an SI pair or attempted to perform an SI Quick Restore operation.
  • The S-VOL is also an HTI P-VOL, and you attempted to split, resynchronize, or suspend an SI pair while restoring the HTI pair.
  • When the S-VOL is used as a P-VOL of a Thin Image Advanced pair that is in the PSUP status, the pair split, pair synchronization, or Reverse Copy operation in SI is attempted.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is used as a volume for a GAD pair, and the provisioning type of the S-VOL of the GAD pair is different from that of the S-VOL of a ShadowImage pair.


Because the specified P-VOL was also a UR P-VOL for delta resync, one of the following errors occurred:

  • The Reverse Copy operation was rejected because the UR pair status is not PSUS.
  • The Quick Restore operation was rejected.


The pair task was rejected because the specified S-VOL was also a UR P-VOL for delta resync.


The pair task was rejected because the initialization process is being performed.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because you are formatting the volume you specified as a P-VOL using Quick Format.

For more information about formatting volumes using Quick Format, see the Provisioning Guide of your storage system.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because you are formatting the volume you specified as an S-VOL using Quick Format.

For more information about formatting volumes using Quick Format, see the Provisioning Guide of your storage system.


The pair task was rejected because the T10 PI attributes for the P-VOL and S-VOL do not match.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected for one of the following reasons:

  • The P-VOL is also an HDP V-VOL, but the S-VOL is a normal volume.
  • The P-VOL is a normal volume, but the S-VOL also an HDP V-VOL.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because both of the following conditions were met:

  • Either the SI P-VOL is an HDP V-VOL, but the S-VOL is a normal volume, or the SI P-VOL is a normal volume, but the S-VOL is an HDP V-VOL.
  • Differential data for a TC or UR pair is maintained in the pool with which the P-VOL is associated, and the P-VOL is linked with the TC or UR pair.


The Quick Restore operation was rejected because both of the following conditions were met:

  • Either the SI P-VOL is an HDP V-VOL, but the S-VOL is a normal volume, or the SI P-VOL is a normal volume, but the S-VOL is an HDP V-VOL.
  • Differential data for a TC or UR pair is maintained in the pool with which the S-VOL is associated, and the S-VOL is linked with the TC or UR pair.


The create pair task was rejected because the P-VOL is a DP-VOL for which the capacity is increasing.


The pair was not created because the S-VOL is a DP-VOL for which capacity is increasing.


The pair operation was rejected because you specified either of the following volumes for the P-VOL:

  • External volume enabled with the Data Direct Mapping attribute
  • A volume belonging to a parity group with accelerated compression enabled

These volumes can only be used as the pool volume.


The pair operation was rejected because you specified either of the following volumes for the S-VOL:

  • External volume enabled with the Data Direct Mapping attribute
  • A volume belonging to a parity group with accelerated compression enabled

These volumes can only be used as the pool volume.


The pair task was rejected because HTI is using the specified CTG ID.


The pair operation was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL was a DP-VOL and the Unmap command operation was in progress with system option mode 905 ON.


The pair operation was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL was a DP-VOL and the Unmap command operation was in progress with system option mode 905 ON.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a DP-VOL and its capacity is increasing.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a DP-VOL and its capacity is increasing.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a DP-VOL that is not associated with a pool.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a DP-VOL that is not associated with a pool.


The pair task was rejected because an LU path or a namespace on the NVM subsystem with an NVM subsystem port added is not defined to the volume you specified as the P-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because an LU path or a namespace on the NVM subsystem with an NVM subsystem port added is not defined to the volume you specified as S-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a deduplication system data volume.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a deduplication system data volume.


The command was rejected because you were in the process of turning off the storage system's power.


The P-VOL rejected the paircreate CCI command because the DP pool is initializing in the DP-VOL.


The S-VOL rejected the paircreate CCI command because the DP pool is initializing in the DP-VOL.


The volume which was specified as the S-VOL cannot be used, because the volume is undergoing online data migration.


The command was rejected because if sharing volume between UR S-VOL and SI P-VOL, ShadowImage CTG pair created by BCM or IBM PPRC and ShadowImage CTG pair created by CCI cannot coexist.


The CTG pair split function cannot be used from CCI for CTG reserved on Device Manager - Storage Navigator.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a S-VOL for an existing pair, and the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the P-VOL for another existing pair.


The volume which was specified as the P-VOL cannot be used, because the volume is undergoing online data migration and Cache Through is specified as the cache mode.


The pair task was rejected because the physical serial numbers of the corresponding storage systems do not match, even if the virtual serial numbers match, when the serial numbers of the virtual storage machines are specified for the P-VOL and S-VOL.


The pair task was rejected for the volume specified as the P-VOL because either the device model and serial number or the virtual LDEV ID for the virtual storage machine is being changed.


The pair task was rejected for the volume specified as the S-VOL because either the device model and serial number or the virtual LDEV ID for the virtual storage machine is being changed.


The pair creation was rejected because one of the following applied to the volume specified as the P-VOL.

  • The volume was undergoing online data migration.
  • The volume was already used as the S-VOL of an SI pair whose P-VOL was undergoing online data migration.


The pair operation was rejected because one of the following applied to the volume specified as the P-VOL.

  • The volume was undergoing online data migration.
  • The volume was already used as the S-VOL of an SI pair whose P-VOL was undergoing online data migration.


The pair task was rejected for the volume specified as the S-VOL because the volume is undergoing online data migration.


The command was rejected because the volume specified as the P-VOL is undergoing online data migration and the command is for creating a third pair.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a Compatible FlashCopy® T-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a Compatible FlashCopy® S-VOL or T-VOL.


The pair was not restored because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a Compatible FlashCopy® S-VOL or T-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because there is not a sufficient amount of installed shared memory or SI is not installed.


The pair task was rejected because the LBA size of the specified P-VOL is not the same as the size of the specified S-VOL.


The pair was not created because the number of pairs exceeded the maximum number of pairs.


The pair was not created because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the P-VOL of the SI pair that has an MU number of 0.


The pair task was rejected because the pair is being suspended or deleted.


One of the following occurred:

  • Pair creation was rejected because the specified CTG ID had already been used for an L1 pair.
  • Pair creation was rejected because the specified CTG ID had already been used for an L2 pair.
  • Pair creation was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is the S-VOL of the pair which is in the process of being Quick Split.
  • The Quick Restore operation was rejected because the VLL setting of the P-VOL is different from that of the S-VOL.
  • The pair task was rejected because the specified P-VOL and S-VOLs were a Compatible FlashCopy® pair.
  • The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the pair of the specified P-VOL and S-VOLs is suspended (PSUE status).
  • The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the specified P-VOL and the S-VOL is the L2 pair.
  • The CTG pair-split was rejected because some of the pairs in the CTG were being resynchronized, split, or were already suspended.
  • The pair task was rejected because the pair status of the P-VOL, the S-VOL, or both showed that the pair could not receive the issued command.
  • The Quick Restore or Reverse Copy operation was rejected because the specified pair is an L2 pair.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is online to the host.


The pair was not created because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the S-VOL of another pair that has been split (PSUS status).


The pair was not restored because the P-VOL of the specified pair is online to the host.


The pair task was rejected because there is not a sufficient amount of installed shared memory or initialization is not completed.


The pair task was rejected because the number of slots of the volume you specified as the P-VOL exceeded the upper limit.


The pair task was rejected because the number of slots of the volume you specified as the S-VOL exceeded the upper limit.


The pair was not created because the volume you specified as the P-VOL had already had three S-VOLs.


The pair was not created because the node volume specified as the P-VOL had already had two S-VOLs.


The pair task was rejected because the pair configuration exceeded the number of the layers of the cascade configuration.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the S-VOL of an existing pair.


The pair was not created because pairs that would exceed the license capacity were going to be created.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is allocated as the destination of the Volume Migration.


The pair task was rejected because the capacity of the specified P-VOL is not the same as the capacity of the S-VOL.


The pair was not created because the volume you specified as the P-VOL had already had three S-VOLs.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is not the P-VOL of the existing pair.


One of the following occurred:

  • The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL had an emulation type that CCI could not handle.
  • The CTG pair-split was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is an intermediate volume.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL had an emulation type that could not be handled by CCI.


The pair task was rejected because the emulation type of the specified P-VOL is different from the emulation type of the S-VOL.


The pair operation was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is an intermediate volume.


The pairresync CCI command was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is not an SI P-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a root volume.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a node volume, and the volume you specified as the P-VOL is not the P-VOL for the specified S-VOL.


The pairsplit CCI command was rejected because the specified P-VOL and S-VOLs were a L2 pair, and the L1 pair is not split (PSUS status).


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is being used as a TC P-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the TC P-VOL, and the pair is not split (PSUSstatus) or suspended (PSUE status).


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the destination of the Volume Migration.


The pair was not created because the volume you specified as the S-VOL had already been an S-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL for SI pair tasks is not an S-VOL.


The volume you specified as an SI S-VOL is a TC P-VOL. The pair task was rejected because the TC pair is not in the required status.

For more information about the required status for each pair task, see Pair status and available pair tasks.


The volume you specified as an SI S-VOL was a TC S-VOL. The pair task was rejected because the TC pair is not in the required status.

For more information about the required status for each pair task, see Pair status and available pair tasks.


The pair creation for the cascade configuration was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is an intermediate volume.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the volume of the Volume Migration.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a deduplication system data volume (Data Store).


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a deduplication system data volume (Data Store).


The pair task was rejected because the specified P-VOL and the S-VOL for SI pair tasks is not a pair.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL and the volume you specified as the S-VOL are the same.


The pair was not restored because the specified P-VOL and S-VOLs is online to the host.


The pair was not deleted because the specified P-VOL and S-VOLs are in the process of being Quick Split.


The pairresync CCI command was rejected because the P-VOL and S-VOLs is in the process of being Steady Split.


The pair creation was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the P-VOL of the pair you are splitting or the P-VOL of the pair you are reverse resynchronizing.


The pairresync CCI command was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the P-VOL of the splitting pair.


The volume you specified as a P-VOL is a TC P-VOL. The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the TC pair is not suspended (PSUE status) or split (PSUS status).


The volume you specified as the P-VOL is a TC S-VOL. The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the TC pair is not suspended (PSUE status) or split (PSUS status).


The volume you specified as an S-VOL was a TC P-VOL. The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the TC pair is not suspended (PSUE status) or split (PSUS status).


The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL has the S-VOL Disable attribute assigned by the Data Retention Utility.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL has the S-VOL Disable attribute assigned by the Data Retention Utility.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is not mounted.


The pair task was rejected due to one of the following reasons:

  • The volume specified as the P-VOL is blocked.
  • A pool to which the volume specified as the P-VOL belongs contains a pool volume that is not in the normal status.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is being formatted or shredded.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a command device.


The pair task was rejected because of one of the following reasons:

  • The volume you specified as the S-VOL is not mounted.
  • The MU number is 3 or greater.


The pair task was rejected due to one of the following reasons:

  • The volume specified as the S-VOL is blocked.
  • A pool to which the volume specified as the S-VOL belongs contains a pool volume that is not in the normal status.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is being formatted or shredded.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a command device.


The pair was not created because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is the volume for Volume Migration.

2390 The Quick Restore operation was rejected because the volume specified as the P-VOL is a volume for which capacity saving function is enabled.
2391 The Quick Restore operation was rejected because the volume specified as the S-VOL is a volume for which capacity saving function is enabled.


The pair was not registered in the CTG because the number of the pairs assigned to the CTG has exceeded the defined maximum number of pairs.


The pair task was rejected because you are reverse resynchronizing the pair sharing the specified volume as the P-VOL.


The pair task was rejected because you are reverse resynchronizing the L1 pair sharing the specified P-VOL as the root volume.


The pair task was rejected because you are reverse resynchronizing the L2 pair sharing the specified P-VOL or S-VOL as the node volume.


The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the pair is not split (PSUS status) or suspended (PSUE status).


The reverse resynchronization was rejected because some of the pairs sharing the specified volume as the P-VOL are not in split (PSUS status) or suspended (PSUE status).


The reverse resynchronization was rejected because the volume you specified as the P-VOL is a P-VOL for XRC.


The pair was not restored because the volume you specified is the P-VOL for CC.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is a P-VOL for XRC.


The pair task was rejected because the volume you specified as the S-VOL is the P-VOL for CC.


The pair was not registered in the CTG because IBM PPRC has reserved the specified CTG ID.


The pair was not created because the volume you specified as the S-VOL could not be used as the S-VOL because of Volume Security settings.


The pair was not deleted because the P-VOL and S-VOL are in the process of being Quick Split.


The pair was not created because the CTG identifier you specified is not supported.


You cannot run the command because the system did not authenticate your user information.


The pair task was rejected because the specified volume did not exist.


The pair was not created because the specified S-VOL does not exist.


The pair task was rejected because the mirror ID is invalid.