Create SI Pairs confirmation window

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

This window is the last window of the Create SI Pairs wizard. This window contains the Selected Pairs table.

The following image shows this window of the Create SI Pairs wizard.

Selected Pairs table

The following table describes the items in this table in the Confirm window of the Create SI Pairs wizard.



Primary Volume

The P-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The P-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • LDEV Name: The P-VOL's LDEV name.
  • Port ID: Port name of the P-VOL LDEV's LUN path.
  • Host Group Name / iSCSI Target Alias: The host group name and ID or iSCSI target alias and ID of the P-VOL LDEV's LUN path.
  • iSCSI Target Name: The P-VOL's iSCSI target name.
  • LUN ID: The LUN identifier of the P-VOL LDEV's LUN path.
  • Attribute: The P-VOL's attribute.
  • (VSP 5000 series) Emulation Type: The P-VOL's emulation type.
  • Capacity: The P-VOL's volume capacity.
  • CLPR: The P-VOL's CLPR ID.
  • Encryption: The P-VOL's encryption information.
    • Enabled: Encryption is enabled for the parity group to which the P-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the P-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption enabled.
    • Disabled: Encryption is disabled for the parity group to which the P-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the P-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption disabled.
    • Mixed: The pool to which the P-VOL's LDEV belongs contains two or more of the following:
      • Volume for which encryption is enabled
      • Volume for which encryption is disabled
      • External volume

      Note: Data encryption is not ensured in an LDEV with Mixed encryption status.

    A hyphen (-) is displayed if the P-VOL is an external volume or migration volume. When the P-VOL is a DP-VOL, the pool to which a P-VOL's LDEV belongs in an external volume or blocked.

  • Capacity Saving: Information about the P-VOL's capacity saving function.
    • Compression: The compression function is used.
    • Deduplication and Compression: The deduplication function and the compression function are used.
    • Disabled: The capacity saving function is not used.
  • Compression Acceleration: Compression accelerator settings.
    • Enabled: The compression accelerator setting is enabled.
    • Disabled: The compression accelerator setting is disabled.
    • - (hyphen): The compression accelerator setting is not available for an LDEV. Alternatively, the compression accelerator setting is available for an LDEV whose capacity saving setting is Disabled and whose capacity saving status is Disabled.
  • T10 PI: The P-VOL's T10 PI attribute information.
    • Enabled: The P-VOL's T10 PI attribute is enabled.
    • Disabled: The P-VOL's T10 PI attribute is disabled.

    For SIz pairs, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

For SIz, Port ID, Host Group Name / iSCSI Target Alias, iSCSI Target Name, LUN ID, and Attribute are not displayed.

Copy Type

The types of pairs.


  • SI-L1: SI L1
  • SI-L2: SI L2
  • (VSP 5000 series) SIMF: SIz

Secondary Volume

The S-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The S-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • LDEV Name: The S-VOL's LDEV name.
  • Port ID: Port name of the S-VOL LDEV's LUN path.
  • Host Group Name / iSCSI Target Alias: The host group name and ID or iSCSI target alias and ID of the S-VOL LDEV's LUN path.
  • iSCSI Target Name: The S-VOL's iSCSI target name.
  • LUN ID: The LUN identifier of the S-VOL LDEV's LUN path.
  • Attribute: The S-VOL's attribute.
  • (VSP 5000 series) Emulation Type: The S-VOL's emulation type.
  • Capacity: The S-VOL's volume capacity.
  • CLPR: The S-VOL's CLPR ID.
  • Encryption: The S-VOL's encryption information.
    • Enabled: Encryption is enabled for the parity group to which the S-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the S-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption enabled.
    • Disabled: Encryption is disabled for the parity group to which the S-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the S-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption disabled.
    • Mixed: The pool to which the S-VOL's LDEV belongs contains two or more of the following:
      • Volume for which encryption is enabled
      • Volume for which encryption is disabled
      • External volume

      Note: Data encryption is not ensured in an LDEV with Mixed encryption status.

    A hyphen (-) is displayed if the S-VOL is an external volume or migration volume. When the S-VOL is a DP-VOL, the pool to which S-VOL's LDEV belongs is an external volume or blocked.

  • Capacity Saving: Information about the S-VOL's capacity saving function.
    • Compression: The compression function is used.
    • Deduplication and Compression: The deduplication function and the compression function are used.
    • Disabled: The capacity saving function is not used.
  • Compression Acceleration: Compression accelerator settings.
    • Enabled: The compression accelerator setting is enabled.
    • Disabled: The compression accelerator setting is disabled.
    • - (hyphen): The compression accelerator setting is not available for an LDEV. Alternatively, the compression accelerator setting is available for an LDEV whose capacity saving setting is Disabled and whose capacity saving status is Disabled.
  • T10 PI: The S-VOL's T10 PI attribute information.
    • Enabled: The S-VOL's T10 PI attribute is enabled.
    • Disabled: The S-VOL's T10 PI attribute is disabled.

    For SIz pairs, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

For SIz, Port ID, Host Group Name / iSCSI Target Alias, iSCSI Target Name, LUN ID, and Attribute are not displayed.

Split Type

The split type.


  • (VSP 5000 series) Non Split: The pair is not split.
  • Quick Split: The pair is split, and then the data is copied so that the S-VOL is immediately available for read and write I/O. Any remaining differential data is copied to the S-VOL in the background.
  • Steady Split: Differential data is copied, and then the pair is split.

Copy Pace

The system option that determines the rate at which you want the storage system to copy data.


  • Slower: Improved host server I/O performance but slower processing speed.
  • Medium: Average processing speed and host server I/O performance.
  • Faster: Faster processing speed but slower host server I/O performance.

Mirror Unit

The mirror unit number.