Recovering blocked pools

Thin Image User Guide

Part Number
You can recover blocked pools using the Restore Pools window.

The pool recovery time depends on pool or V-VOL usage and system workload. Calculate roughly 20 minutes of recovery time for every 100 TB of pool or V-VOL usage.

Recover blocked pools for disaster recovery purposes only.
  • You must have the Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role.
  • In CCI, use the raidcom modify pool -status nml command.
  1. In the Explorer pane, click Storage Systems, expand the storage system tree, and then click Pools.
  2. In the Pools tab, from the list of pools, select the check box for the pool that you want to recover, click More Actions > Restore Pools, and then confirm the settings.

  3. Accept the default task name or enter a unique name.
    You can enter up to 32 letters, numbers, and symbols, except the following:

    \ / : , ; * ? " < > |

  4. If you want to monitor the task after submitting it, select Go to tasks window for status.
  5. Click Apply to submit the task.