You can expand the capacity of a DP-VOL used only as a Thin Image pair volume. If you want to expand the DP-VOL capacity when the HTI pair shares volumes with other replication software, see the User Guide for that replication software.
- A V-Vol to be expanded is not an external volume.
- The LDEV format is being performed on a V-Vol to be expanded.
- A pool containing a V-Vol to be expanded meets any of the following conditions:
- Normal condition
- The used capacity of the pool does not exceed the threshold.
- The pool is not being shrunk.
- A V-Vol to be expanded is a volume created on the storage systems described in Expanding DP-VOL capacity while keeping the pair status.
- A V-Vol to be expanded is not used in a pair with the clone attribute.
- The following numbers required after the expansion do not exceed the maximum number allowed on the storage system:
- The snapshot estimated manageable capacity
- The number of cache management devices
- The subscription limit of the V-VOL capacity
Calculating the snapshot estimated manageable capacity, the number of cache management devices, and the subscription limit of the V-VOL capacity
- Snapshot estimated manageable capacity required for expanding the Thin Image volume capacity
To expand the capacity of a Thin Image root volume, verify that the snapshot estimated manageable capacity is available. Calculate the snapshot estimated manageable capacity required for expanding the capacity of a Thin Image root volume using the following formulas:
Snapshot-estimated-manageable-capacity-for-root-volume-expansion = Snapshot-estimated-manageable-capacity-after-root-volume-expansion - Snapshot-estimated-manageable-capacity-before-root-volume-expansion
Snapshot-estimated-manageable-capacity = (Root-volume-capacity [TB] / 2.6 [TB]) x 3,024 [GB] + (168 [GB] x 2(consumed-shared-memory [GB]))
Expanding the volumes other than a root volume does not consume the snapshot estimated manageable capacity. You can check the snapshot estimated manageable capacity in the Local Replication window.
- The number of cache management devices required for expanding the Thin Image volume capacity.
To expand the capacity of a Thin Image root volume, verify that the cache management devices are available. Calculate the maximum number of cache management devices required for expanding the capacity of a Thin Image root volume using the following formula:
number-of-cache-management-devices-for-root-volume-expansion = ceiling ((Root-volume-capacity-after-expansion [TB] / 2.6 [TB])) - ceiling ((Root-volume-capacity-before-expansion [TB] / 2.6 [TB]))
In the example, 'ceiling' refers to rounding up the value enclosed in parenthesis ( ) to the next integer. Expanding the volumes other than a root volume does not consume the cache management devices.
- The subscription limit of the V-VOL capacity in a DP pool required for expanding the Thin Image volume capacity.
To expand the capacity of a Thin Image root volume, verify that the capacity after the expansion does not exceed the subscription limit of the V-VOL capacity contained in a DP pool.
Calculate the V-VOL capacity to be added by expanding the capacity of a Thin Image root volume using the following formulas:
V-VOL-capacity-added-by-root-volume-expansion = Thin-Image-pair-capacity-calculated-based-on- root-volume-capacity-after-expansion - Thin-Image-pair-capacity-calculated-based-on-root-volume-capacity-before-expansion
Thin-Image-pair-capacity = Σ ceiling ((Root-volume-capacity [MB] × number-of-pairs* × 2/ 42 [MB])) × 42 [MB] + Σ ceiling ((Root-volume-capacity [MB] × number-of-pairs* × 2/ 2,921,688 [MB])) × 175,434 [MB]
* number-of-pairs: The allocated pages are not released if you delete some pairs. Therefore, use the maximum number of HTI pairs to be created in the applicable snapshot tree as number-of-pairs instead of the number of pairs currently created in the applicable snapshot tree.
Round up the value enclosed in ceiling ( ) to the next integer.
Expanding the volumes other than a root volume does not add the V-VOL capacity contained in a DP pool in Thin Image.