You can create pairs and define the pairs in a snapshot group. By specifying an option, pairs can also belong to a consistency group. This task describes how to do this using CCI.
Note: If the host is down, the CCI command might be rejected and the pair not defined in the group. In this case, you can use Device Manager - Storage Navigator to create the pair and assign it to a group.
The following is an example of using the raidcom add snapshot command to create a pair specifying the P-VOL (LDEV#10:10), the S-VOL (LDEV#20:20) and the pool (SnapPool00) in the snapshot group (db1), and to add the pair to the consistency group (CTG):
raidcom add snapshot -ldev_id 0x1010 0x2020 -pool SnapPool00 -snapshotgroup db1 -snap_mode CTG