Workflow for creating and managing Thin Image pairs

Thin Image User Guide

Part Number

Use this workflow to create and manage Thin Image pairs.

  1. Create the Thin Image pairs (see Workflow for creating and managing Thin Image pairs).
  2. Split the Thin Image pair to store the snapshot data using one of the available methods (see Storing snapshot data or cloning pairs).
  3. If a failure occurs and the pair is suspended ("PSUE" status), complete the following:
    1. Recover the data by recovering the Thin Image pair (see Restoring suspended Thin Image pairs).
    2. Restore the pair, which writes snapshot data over the P-VOL (see Restoring Thin Image pairs).
  4. Maintain the Thin Image pair status (see How Thin Image pair status changes).
  5. Delete the Thin Image pairs (see Deleting Thin Image pairs).

For pairs with the snapshot attribute, create a Thin Image pair to store snapshot data. Note, however, that you can create up to 1,024 pairs for a P-VOL. Therefore, you must delete snapshot data or Thin Image pairs that are no longer necessary. When you delete a Thin Image pair, snapshot data stored by the pair is also deleted from the pool.

When a failure occurs, if you perform restoration, snapshot data can be overwritten in the P-VOL. If a Thin Image pair is already being restored, another Thin Image pair might not be restored.

For details about operations and statuses for Thin Image pairs, see How Thin Image pair status changes. For details about how to create DP pools, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems.