View Pair Properties window

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

Use this window to review pair and volume details for local replication.

This window contains the following section and table:

  • Pair Properties section
  • Pairs table

Pair Properties section

The following table describes the items in this section of the View Pair Properties window.



Copy Type

The type of pair.


  • ShadowImage (default): SI pair
  • (VSP 5000 series) ShadowImage for Mainframe: SIz pair
  • Thin Image: HTI pair

Pool Name (ID)

HTI pairs only.

The pool name and identification number.

For non-HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.

Pool Encryption

HTI pairs only.

The pool's encryption information.

  • Enabled: Encryption is enabled for the pool volume that created the pool.
  • Disabled: Encryption is disabled for the pool volume that created the pool.
  • Mixed: A pool contains two or more of the following:
    • Volume for which encryption is enabled
    • Volume for which encryption is disabled
    • External volume

    Displayed when at least two of the following are specified for the pool volume:

    • Volume of which encryption is enabled
    • Volume of which encryption is disabled
    • External volume

    Note: Data encryption is not ensured in an LDEV with Mixed encryption status.

For pools created in external volumes, blocked pools, and non-HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.

Most Recent Snapshot Date

HTI pairs only.

The date and time the snapshot was acquired.

For non-HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.


The identification number of the LDEVs for the P-VOL and S-VOLs.


The name of the LDEVs for the P-VOL and S-VOLs.

Mirror Unit

The mirror unit number.

Virtual Storage Machine

The model type and serial number of the virtual storage machine to which the P-VOL and S-VOL belong.

Virtual LDEV ID

The identification number of the virtual LDEV for the P-VOL and S-VOLs.

If no virtual LDEV ID is assigned, a blank is displayed.

Pairs table

The following table describes the items in this table on the View Pair Properties window.



Primary Volume

The P-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The P-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • LDEV Name: The P-VOL's LDEV name.
  • Provisioning Type: The P-VOL's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • Basic: Internal volume
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • External: External volume
  • (VSP 5000 series) Emulation Type: The P-VOL's emulation type.
  • (VSP E series) Attribute: The P-VOL's attribute.
  • Capacity: The P-VOL's volume capacity.
  • CLPR: The P-VOL's CLPR ID.
  • Encryption: The P-VOL's encryption information.
    • Enabled: Encryption is enabled for the parity group to which the P-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the P-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption enabled.
    • Disabled: Encryption is disabled for the parity group to which the P-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the P-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption disabled.
    • Mixed: The pool to which the P-VOL's LDEV belongs contains two or more of the following:
      • Volume for which encryption is enabled
      • Volume for which encryption is disabled
      • External volume

      Note: Data encryption is not ensured in an LDEV with Mixed encryption status.

    A hyphen (-) is displayed if the P-VOL is an external volume or migration volume. When the P-VOL is a DP-VOL, the pool to which a P-VOL's LDEV belongs is an external volume or blocked.

  • T10 PI: The P-VOL's T10 PI attribute information.
    • Enabled: The P-VOL's T10 PI attribute is enabled.
    • Disabled: The P-VOL's T10 PI attribute is disabled.

    For SIz pairs, a hyphen is displayed.

  • Virtual Storage Machine: The model type and serial number of the virtual storage machine to which the P-VOL belongs.
  • Virtual LDEV ID: The identification number of the P-VOL's virtual LDEV. If no virtual LDEV ID is assigned, a blank is displayed.
  • Virtual Device Name: The name of the P-VOL's virtual device, in a combined format of virtual emulation type, number of virtual LUSE volumes, and virtual CVS attribute. Each of these three items is displayed only if it is specified. If none of them are specified, a blank is displayed. "CVS" is displayed at the end of the device name, if the virtual CVS attribute is specified.
  • Virtual SSID: The virtual SSID of the P-VOL. If no virtual SSID is specified, a blank is displayed.

Snapshot Group

HTI pairs only.

The snapshot group name.

If you have not assigned the pair to a snapshot group, a blank is displayed. For non-HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.


The status of the pair.

For more information about pair status, see Device Manager - Storage Navigator pair status names and descriptions.

Processing Status

The processing status for a pair volume is displayed.

Expanding: The capacity of the SI pair volume is being expanded.

If the volume capacity is not being expanded, or if V-VOLs other than DP-VOLs are used as pair volumes, this field remains blank.

Snapshot Date

HTI pairs only.

The date and time the snapshot was acquired. For non-HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.

Secondary Volume

The S-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The S-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • LDEV name: The S-VOL's LDEV name.
  • Provisioning Type: The S-VOL's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • Basic: Internal volume
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • External: External volume
    • Snapshot: HTI volume
    Note: The Snapshot Provisioning Type is not available for Thin Image Advanced.
  • (VSP 5000 series) Emulation Type: The S-VOL's emulation type.
  • (VSP E series) Attribute: The S-VOL's attribute.
  • Capacity: The S-VOL's volume capacity.
  • CLPR: The S-VOL's CLPR ID.
  • Encryption: The S-VOL's encryption information.
    • Enabled: Encryption is enabled for the parity group to which the S-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the S-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption enabled.
    • Disabled: Encryption is disabled for the parity group to which the S-VOL's LDEV belongs, or the S-VOL is a V-VOL associated with a pool in which a pool volume has encryption disabled.
    • Mixed: The pool to which the S-VOL's LDEV belongs contains two or more of the following:
      • Volume for which encryption is enabled
      • Volume for which encryption is disabled
      • External volume

      Note: Data encryption is not ensured in an LDEV with Mixed encryption status.

    A hyphen (-) is displayed if the S-VOL is an external volume or migration volume. When the S-VOL is a DP-VOL, the pool to which S-VOL's LDEV belongs is an external volume or blocked.

  • Mode: Indicates whether the storage system has written to the S-VOL. For SI, this item also indicates whether the storage system can read the S-VOL.
    • For SI:

      - W is displayed when the storage system has written data to the S-VOL. W is also shown when the storage system has written data to the S-VOL and the S-VOL cannot be read when its pair status is PSUS(SP)/PSUS or PSUS.

      - N is displayed when the S-VOL cannot be read because you specified "-m noread" using CCI.

      - A hyphen indicates that the storage system has not written to the S-VOL.

    • For HTI:

      - W is displayed if the storage system has written data to the S-VOL when its pair status is PSUS.

      - A hyphen indicates that the storage system has not written to the S-VOL.

    • For SIz:

      - W is displayed when the storage system has written data to the S-VOL when its pair status is V-Split/SUSPVS or Split/SUSPOP.

      - Protect is displayed when you have set the Protect attribute using Business Continuity Manager (BCM) when the S-VOL's pair status is Split/SUSPOP, SP-Pend/TRANS, or V-Split/SUSPVS.

      - A hyphen indicates that the storage system has not written to the S-VOL.

  • T10 PI: The S-VOL's T10 PI attribute information.
    • Enabled: The S-VOL's T10 PI attribute is enabled.
    • Disabled: The S-VOL's T10 PI attribute is disabled.

    For SIz pairs, a hyphen is displayed.

  • Virtual Storage Machine: The model type and serial number of the virtual storage machine to which the S-VOL belongs.
  • Virtual LDEV ID: The identification number of the S-VOL's virtual LDEV. If no virtual LDEV ID is assigned, a blank is displayed.
  • Virtual Device Name: The name of the S-VOL's virtual device, in a combined format of virtual emulation type, number of virtual LUSE volumes, and virtual CVS attribute. Each of these three items is displayed only if it is specified. If none of them are specified, a blank is displayed. "CVS" is displayed at the end of the device name, if the virtual CVS attribute is specified.
  • Virtual SSID: The virtual SSID of the S-VOL. If no virtual SSID is specified, a blank is displayed.


The identification number for the CTG to which the pair is assigned.

Copy Pace

SI and SIz pairs only. For HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.

The system option that determines the rate at which you want the storage system to copy data.

Mirror Unit

The mirror unit number.


Indicates whether cascade pairs can be created.

Enabled: Cascade pairs can be created.

Disabled: Cascade pairs cannot be created.

For non-HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.


The pair type.

Snapshot: The pair has the snapshot attribute.

Clone: The pair has the clone attribute or diff clone attribute. In the TI Pairs window, if Diff Compare Volume displays the LDEV ID, the diff clone attribute is set for the pair. If Diff Compare Volume displays a hyphen (-), the clone attribute is set for the pair.

For non-HTI pairs, a hyphen is displayed.

Topology ID The topology ID, which indicates the layer of the pair based on the mirror unit. The topology ID consists of the LDEV ID of the volume (root volume for Thin Image pairs), which is the base of the target pair, and the mirror unit number.